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Bootstrap-vue b-table: How to set an css-Class for inactive rows?

I am using vue2 with bootstrap-vue. Actually I have a b-table with some fields. One of the fields is 'released' with a boolean value (true/false). I want to have a css class on every row, where the value of the field 'released' is false. For example to show with another text-color that the row is inactive.

How can I achieve that? I did not find a solution in the documentation of bootstrap-vue. Has anyone an idea? (its my first question here, sorry if it might be difficult to understand)

Example (only the row of item 2 should get a css-class on the table-row, cause its not released):

<b-table stacked="md" :items="items" :fields="fields" >


export default {
  data () {
    return {
        fields: {
              key: 'id',
              label: 'ID',
              sortable: true,
              class: 'Left',
              key: 'name',
              label: 'Name',
              sortable: true,
              class: 'Left'
              key: 'released',
              label: 'Freigegeben',
              sortable: true,
              class: 'Left'
        items: [
              id: '1',
              name: 'nameA',
              released: true,
              id: '2',
              name: 'nameB',
              released: false,
              id: '3',
              name: 'nameC',
              released: true,
              id: '4',
              name: 'nameD',
              released: true,


like image 941
Mark Avatar asked Jul 01 '18 11:07


1 Answers

BootstrapVue <b-table> provides the prop tbody-tr-class for applying classes to rows, which accepts a string class name, an array of class names, or a function.

What you want to do is use the function syntac to inspect the data on each row, and return a class based on values in the rows data (the function is called for each row).


The function is passed two arguments: item (the rows item data object, if it is a data row), andtype(which is a string specifying the type of row being rendered:rowfor data rows, and other values if not a data row. In your case you are interested in therow` type).

  <b-table :items="items" :fields="fields" :tbody-tr-class="rowClass">

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [ ... ],
      fields: [ ... ]
  methods: {
    // ...
    rowClass(item, type) {
      if (item && type === 'row') {
        if (item.released === true) {
          return 'text-success'
        } else {
          return 'text-secondary'
      } else {
        return null

In this example I am using the Bootstrap text color utility classes, but you could use table variant utility classes instead, such as table-success and table-light to change the background color of the row.


like image 64
Troy Morehouse Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Troy Morehouse