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Bootstrap table no new line

<h3>Mijn biedingen</h3>         <table class="table table-responsive">         <thead>         <tr>             <th>nummerplaat</th>             <th>Bod</th>             <th>Status</th>             <th>Datum bod</th>             <th>Aankoopdatum</th>         </tr>         </thead>         <tbody>                     <tr>             <td>THOMAS</td>             <td>&euro;    90 000,00</td>             <td>open</td>             <td>15/10/2014</td>             <td>                                         Niet beschikbaar                                 </td>         </tr>                     </tbody>     </table> 

This is my code, this is the result: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vkc2mpu7z4yqgq/Screenshot%202014-10-15%2019.28.09.png?dl=0

How can I have the money TD on one line? This website is responsive but the the text becomes in two lines because of the spaces in the text.

like image 557
Stijn Hoste Avatar asked Oct 15 '14 17:10

Stijn Hoste

People also ask

How do you remove a line break in a table?

Place the cursor in the 'Find what' field and use the keyboard shortcut – Control + J (hold the Control key and press the J key). You may not see anything, but this puts the line break character in the 'Find what' field. In the replace field, enter a comma followed by a space character (, ) Click on Replace All.

Which Bootstrap 4 class can be used to make a borderless table?

Add .table-borderless for a table without borders.

What is table responsive in Bootstrap?

The .table-responsive class creates a responsive table. The table will then scroll horizontally on small devices (under 768px).

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The Bootstrap Contextual Class allows you to change the background color of your table rows or individual cells.

1 Answers

If you want to have the text in same line use CSS style



<span class="nowrap">Your text here</span> 

In CSS style sheet

 .nowrap {         white-space:nowrap;     } 

Bootstrap way of doing it

Since you already have bootstrap, no need of class definition, you can use class text-nowrap

Just try this in your td or if doesn't work try adding a span around your text and assign the class


<td class="text-nowrap"> Your text </td> 


<td> <span class="text-nowrap">Your text </span></td> 

You can also have it in the table tag, so that no need to add in each element

eg: <table class="text-nowrap"> .... </table>

More on this in Bootstrap documentation Check under Alignment classes

Bootstrap 4 documentation here

Bootstrap 5 documentation here

like image 190
kiranvj Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
