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Bootstrap or Material Design Lite or Both

I am creating websites from last 6-7 years and Using Bootstrap since Bootstrap 2 is launched and love to use bootstrap 3.

Now I am trying to use Google Material Design Lite, so My Question is "Do I need to use Bootstrap framework for using Material Design Lite or I can use Material Design alone, will it give good responsive website and grid system like bootstrap does?"

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Frontend Dev Web Accessibility Avatar asked Dec 17 '16 12:12

Frontend Dev Web Accessibility

People also ask

Can I use both Bootstrap and material UI?

Yes, it's possible to work with Bootstrap and Material Design simultaneously. These two design systems have their differences, but they also have a lot in common, and you can use one to compliment the other.

Which is best Bootstrap or material design?

Bootstrap is very consistent and provides a simple, clear interface that, is easy to learn. And comparatively less customizable than Material UI. Material UI is highly customizable with which designers can create tons of designs. But it may produce inconsistency among components.

Which is better angular material or Bootstrap?

Angular Material Framework can be used to design High-quality websites and web apps that are mobile-friendly. Bootstrap Framework can be used for developing cross-platform apps that work well on desktops. Angular Material Framework does not support the Responsive Oriented Approach (ROA).

Is Bootstrap faster than material UI?

Thus, development on Bootstrap doesn't take a lot of time. Material UI is already packed with UI components which gives developers all they need to develop an amazing application in a small period of time. However, Bootstrap's accessibility makes development significantly faster as compared to Material.

1 Answers

You can use both together, however, I do not advise you to do so. I haven't tested myself.

Remember that MDL does not replace every TBS component, instead it has its own approach, that said, do not expect it to include everything that you're used to have with TBS.

An Alternative approach would using:
1. Material Design for Bootstrap - Free
2. MDB - Free is limited, but the Pro version is extended.

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Bilal Khoukhi Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 13:11

Bilal Khoukhi