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bootstrap form inside panel layout looks wrong

If I have a form defined inside a bootstrap panel, then the form group layout goes to pieces.

enter image description here

I coloured the form red so that I could see where it was ;) here's the jsFiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/

I have found that if I add

.panel-body .form-horizontal .form-group {
    margin-right: 25px;
    margin-left: 25px;

to the css, I then get this

enter image description here

(I coloured the form red so that I could see where it was ;) )

so it looks like it's fixed, but seems a terrible hack to me

  • Is this is a bug in bootstrap
  • Do I just have to apply this css
  • Is there something wrong with my form definitions ?


like image 714
jmls Avatar asked Aug 07 '15 13:08


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Bootstrap Form LayoutsVertical form (this is default)

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Inline formsUse the .row-cols-* classes to create responsive horizontal layouts. By adding gutter modifier classes, we'll have gutters in horizontal and vertical directions. On narrow mobile viewports, the .col-12 helps stack the form controls and more.

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To center a div on the page, you need to set the width of your container, then apply margin:0 auto; to it and it will center left and right on the page. If you want to center text, just add text-center to the class of the div your text is in. Bootstrap will do the rest. Save this answer.

1 Answers

According to bootstrap docs (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/css/#forms-horizontal), the class form-horizontal makes <form> act like a .row so you don't need to add it and have .col-**-* in from groups, label and stuff. The docs give you an example o

But you have a .row inside a .row and no .col-**-*. .row has negative margin to delete the padding of his parent so with no .col-**-* as parent it has 2 negative margins.

So it's kind of messy. I suggest removing your .row and .form-horizontal class to achieve the look you want or add the margin like you already did.

Here it's a fiddle.

like image 57
Turqueso Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
