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Bootstrap carousel not sliding


I have been trying to use the Bootstrap Carousel and have been successful to some extent. I can click and change the images too. But I have got one problem. Its just not sliding! Where am I doing wrong?


<div id="my_carousel" class="carousel slide">    <ol class="carousel-indicators">     <li data-target = "#my_carousel" data-slide-to = "0" class="active"></li>     <li data-target = "#my_carousel" data-slide-to = "1"></li>     <li data-target = "#my_carousel" data-slide-to = "2"></li>   </ol>    <div class="carousel-inner i">      <div class="item active">       <img src="images/f3.jpg" alt = "i1" class="img-responsive">     </div>      <div class="item">       <img src="images/f2.jpg" alt = "i2" class="img-responsive">     </div>      <div class="item">       <img src="images/f1.jpg" alt = "i3" class="img-responsive">     </div>    </div>    <a class="carousel-control left" href="#my_carousel" data-slide = "prev">     <span class="icon-prev left"></span>   </a>    <a class="carousel-control right" href="#my_carousel" data-slide = "next">     <span class="icon-next right"></span>   </a> </div> 



<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">   $(document).ready(function(){     $('.carousel').carousel({       interval: 3000     })   });     </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script> 
like image 989
Robin Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 16:03


People also ask

Why is bootstrap Carousel not sliding?

In browsers where the Page Visibility API is supported, the carousel will avoid sliding when the webpage is not visible to the user (such as when the browser tab is inactive, the browser window is minimized, etc.).

How do you make carousel slide automatically bootstrap?

The . slide class adds a CSS transition and animation effect, which makes the items slide when showing a new item. Omit this class if you do not want this effect. The data-ride="carousel" attribute tells Bootstrap to begin animating the carousel immediately when the page loads.

How do you stop a carousel slider in bootstrap?

carousel({ interval: false, }); That will make the auto sliding stop because there no Milliseconds added and will never slider next.

2 Answers

Did you include this script:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">   $(document).ready(function(){     $('.carousel').carousel({       interval: 2000     })   });     </script> 

And even it its not working, please check whether you are calling the above script before calling the jquery. So, it should be like this:

<!-- Calling jquery first --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script>   <!-- Carousel --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">   $(document).ready(function(){     $('.carousel').carousel({       interval: 3000     })   });     </script>   
like image 94
Kakar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09


I just recently downloaded bootstrap carousel (v3.2.0) it doesn't work with the newest version of jQuery (v1.11) because of this line:

if ($.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('slide')) { 

The part $.support.transition was for jQuery internal use and has been deprecated, removing just that should allow your code to work again. Better yet, you could/should replace it with Modernizr's feature detection property: Modernizr.csstransitions.

UPDATE: Also jQuery v11.1 does not support .emulateTransitionEnd. To solve these issues make sure you include transition.js in your package. It contains the following code:

+function ($) {   'use strict';    // CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (Shoutout: http://www.modernizr.com/)   // ============================================================    function transitionEnd() {     var el = document.createElement('bootstrap')      var transEndEventNames = {       WebkitTransition : 'webkitTransitionEnd',       MozTransition    : 'transitionend',       OTransition      : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',       transition       : 'transitionend'     }      for (var name in transEndEventNames) {       if (el.style[name] !== undefined) {         return { end: transEndEventNames[name] }       }     }      return false // explicit for ie8 (  ._.)   }    // http://blog.alexmaccaw.com/css-transitions   $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (duration) {     var called = false     var $el = this     $(this).one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { called = true })     var callback = function () { if (!called) $($el).trigger($.support.transition.end) }     setTimeout(callback, duration)     return this   }    $(function () {     $.support.transition = transitionEnd()      if (!$.support.transition) return      $.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {       bindType: $.support.transition.end,       delegateType: $.support.transition.end,       handle: function (e) {         if ($(e.target).is(this)) return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)       }     }   })  }(jQuery); 
like image 30
Ryan Taylor Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09

Ryan Taylor