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Bootstrap 4 custom build generator / download [duplicate]

Does anyone know about an alpha/beta bootstrap 4 custom generator, same that is available for bootstrap 3 at Customize and download?

https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/customize/ still unavailable

like image 947
Yatko Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 03:08


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Override Variables Bootstrap has its own “_variables. scss” in the “scss” folder, which contains all variables used in Bootstrap. Now, add the “abstracts” name folder in your scss folder and create “_custom-variables. scss” in that folder.

How do I customize Bootstrap 4?

Customize Bootstrap 4 with our built-in custom variables file and easily toggle global CSS preferences with new $enable-* Sass variables. Override a variable's value and recompile with npm run test as needed. You can find and customize these variables for key global options in our _variables. scss file.

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You can override the default styles of Bootstrap elements using two possible methods. The first way — using CSS overrides— applies to sites using BootstrapCDN or the pre-compiled versions of Bootstrap. The second — using Sass variables — applies to sites using the source code version of Bootstrap.

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1 Answers

As discussed here on Stack Overflow, there will not be a customizer for Bootstrap 4. This means that you'll have to build the Sass files manually. This can be achieved with the sass npm package, for example.

I've also created a tool that handles compiling the Sass and vendor prefixing, which I've been using to compile Bootstrap. This is a simple setup to get started with:

npm i bootstrap@4 sass-plus -D 

Create a file called app.scss and import Bootstrap in there:

@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"; 

Compile it:

npx sass-plus -i app.scss -o compiled.css 

You should now find all of the Bootstrap-classes in compiled.css. You can make changes to the app.scss file and recompile and the changes will be reflected in the CSS, that can be referenced normally in HTML.

By importing Bootstrap components individually and changing Bootstrap's variables you can change the look of your site and the size of the compiled CSS.


  • All Bootstrap components imported individually
  • sass-plus docs
like image 89
Klooven Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10
