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Boost Random and OpenMP

I'm getting a "bus error" from an OpenMP parallel section of code. I recreated a simple version of my problem below. The code essentially makes many calls to the function uniform_distribution, which draws an integer between 0 and 20000 using Boost's uniform_int_distribution.

This post warns of two threads accessing the same object. I'm guessing that's eng in my case. (Unfortunately I don't know how to write "an appropriate mutex wrapper", as that post suggests).

A possible dirty solution I thought of was to create a local eng inside the #pragma for loop and to pass that as an argument to uniform_distribution. I don't like this idea because in my real code, I'm calling many functions, and passing a local eng would be cumbersome. Also, my concern is that different threads will generate the same random number sequence if I declare eng inside uniform_distribution. So I have two requirements: How do I parallelize in a way that

  1. Each thread is generating probabilistically independent draws from other threads?
  2. No race conditions occur on the RNG?

Thanks; any help is warmly appreciated.

#include <omp.h>
#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>

boost::random::mt19937  eng;

int uniform_distribution(int rangeLow, int rangeHigh) {
    boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<int> unirv(rangeLow, rangeHigh);
    return unirv(eng);
int main()
    # pragma omp parallel for private(eng)
    for (int bb=0; bb<10000; bb++)
        for (int i=0; i<20000; i++)
             int a = uniform_distribution(0,20000);

    return 0;
like image 748
covstat Avatar asked Mar 19 '13 15:03


2 Answers

I think the most convenient solution would involve a thread_local RNG and a seeding that involves the thread ID as a unique number for each thread, for example, you can do a XOR between the system time and the thread-id to seed the RNG. Something along the lines of (using C++11):

#include <omp.h>
#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>

#include <thread>
#include <ctime>

boost::random::mt19937& get_rng_engine() {
  thread_local boost::random::mt19937 eng(
    reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(NULL)) ^ std::this_thread::get_id());
  return eng;

(NOTE: you can also use <random> if you are going to use C++11)

If you can't use C++11 then you can use boost::thread instead to have a similar behavior, see the Boost page on thread-local storage too.

like image 196
Mikael Persson Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Mikael Persson

When you parallelize some code, you must consider the shared resource, which can cause data races, in turn, eventually may break your program. (Note: not all data races will break your program.)

In your case, as you expected correctly, eng is the shared by two or more threads, which must be avoided for the correct execution.

A solution for your case is privatization: making a per-thread copy for the shared resources. You need to create a separate copy of eng.

There are a number of way to do privatization for eng:

(1) Try to use threadprivate directive (link): For example, #pragma omp threadprivate(eng). However, some compilers may not support non-POD structures for this directive.

(2) In case where threadprivate is not available, use an array of eng and access with thread id: declare such as eng[MAX_THREAD]. Then, access with thread id: eng[omp_get_thread()].

However, the second solution needs to consider false sharing, which can severely hurt the performance. It's best to guarantee each item in eng[MAX_THREAD] is allocated on separate cache line boundary, which is typically 64-byte in modern desktop CPUs. There are also several ways to avoid false sharing. The simplest solution would be using padding: e.g., char padding[x] in a struct that holds eng.

like image 35
minjang Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
