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boost python overload operator ()

I would like to bind the operator() using Boost::Python but I don't really see how to do this. Consider the example:


class Queuer

void Queuer::operator()(const qfc::Queue & iq, const qfc::Message & im) const;
void Queuer::operator()(const qfc::Agent & ia, const qfc::Message & im) const;
// some other overloaded operator() methods


So in a Python script, after importing the module I'm using (called qfc), I would like to do:


>>> queuer = qfc.Queuer()
// instantiating a Message an Agent and a Queue object
>>> queuer(queue,message)
>>> queuer(agent,message)
>>> ...

Would you have any idea on how to do it? maybe with boost::python call<>?

Thank you, Kevin

like image 488
Eon Kevin Avatar asked Aug 29 '13 09:08

Eon Kevin

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1 Answers

When exposing the Queuer class, define a __call__ method for each Queuer::operator() member function. Boost.Python will handle the appropriate dispatching based on types. The only complexity is introduced with pointer-to-member-function syntax, as the caller is required to disambiguate &Queuer::operator().

Additionally, when attempting to pass derived classes in Python to a C++ function with a parameter of the Base class, then some additional information needs to be exposed to Boost.Python:

  • The base C++ class needs to be exposed with class_. For example, class_<BaseType>("Base").
  • The derived class needs to explicitly list its base classes when being exposed with bases_. For example, class_<DerivedType, bases<BaseType> >("Derived"). With this information, Boost.Python can do proper casting while dispatching.

Here is a complete example:

#include <iostream>

#include <boost/python.hpp>

// Mockup classes.
struct AgentBase   {};
struct MessageBase {};
struct QueueBase   {};
struct SpamBase    {};
struct Agent:   AgentBase   {};
struct Message: MessageBase {};
struct Queue:   QueueBase   {};
struct Spam:    SpamBase    {};

// Class with overloaded operator().
class Queuer

  void operator()(const AgentBase&, const MessageBase&) const
    std::cout << "Queuer::operator() with Agent." << std::endl;

  void operator()(const QueueBase&, const MessageBase&) const
    std::cout << "Queuer::operator() with Queue." << std::endl;

  void operator()(const SpamBase&, const MessageBase&) const
    std::cout << "Queuer::operator() with Spam." << std::endl;

/// Depending on the overlaod signatures, helper types may make the
/// code slightly more readable by reducing pointer-to-member-function syntax.
template <typename A1>
struct queuer_overload
  typedef void (Queuer::*type)(const A1&, const MessageBase&) const;
  static type get(type fn) { return fn; }

  namespace python = boost::python;
  // Expose only the base class types.  Do not allow the classes to be
  // directly initialized in Python.
  python::class_<AgentBase  >("AgentBase",   python::no_init);
  python::class_<MessageBase>("MessageBase", python::no_init);
  python::class_<QueueBase  >("QueueBase",   python::no_init);
  python::class_<SpamBase   >("SpamBase",    python::no_init);

  // Expose the user types.  These classes inerit from their respective
  // base classes.
  python::class_<Agent,   python::bases<AgentBase>   >("Agent");
  python::class_<Message, python::bases<MessageBase> >("Message");
  python::class_<Queue,   python::bases<QueueBase>   >("Queue");
  python::class_<Spam,    python::bases<SpamBase>    >("Spam");

  // Disambiguate via a varaible.
  queuer_overload<AgentBase>::type queuer_op_agent = &Queuer::operator();

    // Disambiguate via a variable.
    .def("__call__", queuer_op_agent)
    // Disambiguate via a helper type.
    .def("__call__", queuer_overload<QueueBase>::get(&Queuer::operator()))
    // Disambiguate via explicit cast.
         static_cast<void (Queuer::*)(const SpamBase&, 
                                      const MessageBase&) const>(

And its usage:

>>> import example
>>> queuer = example.Queuer()
>>> queuer(example.Agent(), example.Message())
Queuer::operator() with Agent.
>>> queuer(example.Queue(), example.Message())
Queuer::operator() with Queue.
>>> queuer(example.Spam(), example.Message())
Queuer::operator() with Spam.
like image 97
Tanner Sansbury Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10

Tanner Sansbury