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Bluetooth programming in iPhone




I am planning to develop an iPhone application to transfer files/data to/from my Windows Desktop using Bluetooth.

Please let me know whether the programming interface(SDK)is available in iPhone SDK for this purpose.

In Windows Mobile, I can transfer the file either using a FTP profile or writing application on top of Serial Port Profile(RFComm).

Can anybody tell me, whether this can be possible with an iPhone by writing appropriate application. If not, please let me know alternative way to transfer files/data over bluetooth from iPhone to a Windows Desktop PC.

like image 952
Gomas Avatar asked Nov 16 '10 11:11


People also ask

How do I change Bluetooth settings on iPhone?

Go to Settings > Privacy and tap Bluetooth. Then turn on Bluetooth for the apps you want to use.

Where is advanced Bluetooth settings on iPhone?

Swipe down from the upper right corner of the screen to access the Control Center, then select the Bluetooth icon.

1 Answers

No, FTP or SPP bluetooth profile are not open in iPhone...

like image 120
Benoît Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
