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BlueCove library bluecove not available - Error using Bluecove/Java

How do I install Bluecove in Ubuntu 11/Eclipse IDE?

As far as i was aware, all I had to do was add the bluecove.jar and bluecove-gpl.jar to the Build-Path of the project within Eclipse.

I'm using some sample Bluecove code found here: http://bluecove.sourceforge.net/bluecove/apidocs/overview-summary.html#DeviceDiscovery

When I compile it, I'm getting an error: Native Library bluecove_x64 not available Exception in thread "main" javax.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException: BlueCove library bluecove not available

Obviously, my Bluetooth USB dongle is plugged in when I do this... I definitely have BlueZ protocol stack installed.

What am I doing wrong? Is Bluecove supported by 64-bit Linux? I've also been trying to get it installed on a CentOS 5.5 machine as well, but with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you

like image 809
Ryan Jones Avatar asked May 11 '11 15:05

Ryan Jones

1 Answers

I found an solutution to the problem.

for ubuntu version

sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev 

for fedora version

yum install bluez-libs-devel

should do the trick

Source: http://bluecove.org/bluecove-gpl/

Source: http://yasir03.online.fr/?p=267

The package has a differant name in CentOS 5.5... it is

bluez-libs-devel-3.7-1.1.x86_64  <---64-bit
bluez-libs-devel-3.7-1.1.i386  <---32-bit
like image 119
Ryan Jones Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 14:11

Ryan Jones