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Blazor InputText: conditionally rendering an attribute

Blazor vRC1

I'm looking for a straightforward technique on how to conditionally render an attribute within an <InputText> (or any of the input components for that matter). This used to be simple in MVC Razor, where you'd just write the conditional logic within the @(...) statement. Now, writing @(...) has different meaning in the Razor syntax.

For example, I'd like to conditionally output the autofocus HTML attribute for InputText.

 @(MyModel.isAutoFocus ? "autofocus" : "") <-  This is invalid razor syntax!
like image 851
Aaron Hudon Avatar asked Sep 20 '19 00:09

Aaron Hudon

2 Answers

As it turns out, Blazor will not render the attribute if the value of the attribute is false or null


HTML element attributes are conditionally rendered based on the .NET value. If the value is false or null, the attribute isn't rendered. If the value is true, the attribute is rendered minimized.

<InputText @bind-Value="@TextProperty" autofocus="@MyModel.isAutoFocus" />
like image 77
Aaron Hudon Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Aaron Hudon

This could potentially be achieved with the @attributes tag. See more here

Basically, you can add an @attributes tag to your InputText. This can bind to a parameter, or to a handy little method.

<InputText @bind-Value="@TextProperty" @attributes="HandyFunction()" />

    Dictionary<string,object> HandyFunction()
        var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        if(MyModel.isAutoFocus) dict.Add("autofocus",true);
        return dict;
like image 44
Tom Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
