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How to add a generic dependency injection [duplicate]

Working on a read-only api service and making use of generics to package the operation into convention based process.

Repository interface:

public interface IRepository<TIdType,TEntityType> where TEntityType:class {
   Task<EntityMetadata<TIdType>> GetMetaAsync();

Repository implementation:

public class Repository<TIdType,TEntityType> : IRepository<TIdType,TEntityType> where TEntityType:class {
   public Repository(string connectionString) { // initialization }
   public async Tas<EntityMetadata<TIdType>> GetMetaAsync() { // implementation   }

In Startup.cs -> ConfigureServices :

services.AddSingleton<IRepository<int, Employee>> ( p=> new Repository<int, Employee>(connectionString));
services.AddSingleton<IRepository<int, Department>> ( p=> new Repository<int, Department>(connectionString));
// and so on


public class EmployeeController : Controller {
   public EmployeeController(IRepository<int,Employee> repo) {//stuff}

I am currently repeating the repository implmentation for all types of entity types in the ConfigureServices. Is there a way to make this generic too?

services.AddSingleton<IRepository<TIdType, TEntityType>> ( p=> new Repository<TIdType, TEntityType>(connectionString));

so in the controller constructor call can automatically get the relevant repository?

Update 1: Not a duplicate:

  1. The repository implementation does not have default constructor
  2. Because it does not have default constructor, I cannot provide the solution given in the linked question.
  3. When trying services.AddScoped(typeof(IRepository<>), ...) I am getting error Using the generic type 'IRepostiory<TIdType,TEntityType>' requires 2 type arguments
like image 256
Vijay Avatar asked Mar 29 '17 08:03


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1 Answers

Since this question is still not properly marked as duplicate: The way to register a Generic class:

services.AddScoped(typeof(IRepository<,>), typeof(Repository<,>));

now you can resolve it in the following way:

// or: with extensionmethod
like image 85
Joel Harkes Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10

Joel Harkes