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Blank Screen with CodeIgniter



I've just moved a site across to a production server, and a once working CodeIgniter installation now returns a blank screen. I believe it is due to whitespace, but how are you supposed to find something like that?

like image 761
Tisch Avatar asked Aug 11 '09 17:08


1 Answers

Things to check:

  • Inside config.php, make sure your $config['base_url'] is set properly
  • Were you able to copy your .htaccess as well?
  • Do you have the same PHP versions in both machines? If your answer is yes, i'll ask you again: Are you sure?
  • What is the value of your $db['default']['hostname']?
  • Do you have the same database setup in your local and production server? There could be differences with the hostname, username, password and database name

Other things you can do:

  • Set $db['default']['db_debug'] to TRUE
  • Deploy a fresh CodeIgniter installation in your production server and check if you can see something
  • If you still see a blank page, deploy a single PHP file with text in it and tell us what you see
like image 59
Randell Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 02:11
