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Blackberry - application signing

From what little is available on the Internet for signing BB apps, I can guess that we just need the .cod file for signing an app and don't need the source code.

Can someone please confirm this?

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lostInTransit Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 08:12


2 Answers

Your .cod file is generated automatically when you compile your code. You'll only need to sign it if you use any of the controlled API's: Runtime API, Blackberry Apps API and Crypto API.

You then register with Blackberry (which is free, but requires a credit card), they issue you with a signing key which you then use to sign all future cod files.

I use Eclipse with Blackberry JDE plugin and by navigating to the Blackberry -> Request Signatures.. dialog you will see if any of your .cod files need signed.

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Fermin Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 06:12


I wrote an article in Feb 2009 about this and it seems to have helped quite a few people:
BlackBerry Code Signing Help, Part II

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zechariahs Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 07:12
