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Black Border on My IOS Icon


I plugged in my application, the icons for the application itself .. Unfortunately I have a problem. In the Home Screen icon has a black border. What am I doing wrong? Why in the simulator I see correctly while the icon on the device I can not see properly. I am attaching the screen thanks, Vincenzo

iCon iPhone Simulator icon iphone simulator

iCon iPhone 5 Device icon real device

like image 468
macuser Avatar asked Sep 24 '14 10:09


People also ask

Why does my Iphone have a black border?

Answer: A: You could start by checking whether Settings/Display and Brightness/View is set to Standard, instead of your presumably previous setting of “Zoomed”. If that doesn't do the trick, Settings/Accessibility has an option or two which might be the culprit. Luck with it.

Why does an app look dark on Iphone?

It's because the apps are 'refreshing'. I think this is new to iOS 7 because I don't remember it happening before... If you go into your settings-->general--> and about halfway down the list is BACKGROUND APP REFRESH.

1 Answers

You probably can't see it on the simulator as it has a black background.

I am gonna take a guess and say that you have some transparency in your icon.

Make sure that you icon fills the entire image, you don't need to add the corner radius on yourself either as the OS will do it for you..

like image 58
liamnichols Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10
