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BitTrex time format and time zone





Which time format/time zone is used by the BitTrex API?

I don't find an answer in the documentation https://bittrex.com/home/api

Example data: "Created" in https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarkets

For other crypto markets, I can use code like this:

let isoDateFormater = ISO8601DateFormatter()
var created: Date?
if let isoTimeString = row["Created"] as? String {
    created = isoDateFormater.date(from: isoTimeString)

Which doesn't work for BitTrex:

isoTimeString is set correctly, created stays nil since the format is not ISO.

While I could easily guess a working date formatter, I'd also have to guess the time zone. Is there a definitive documentation which time zone is used in BitTrex' API?

I have no need for swift code in the answer, a description is sufficient.

Edit I also asked BitTrex support but they appear to be overwhelmed by new customers as all exchanges.

like image 358
Gerd Castan Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 22:10

Gerd Castan

1 Answers

I would say it's GMT or UTC, but you're right, it's not stated.

like image 147
othersidemoon Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11
