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BitShifting with BigIntegers in Java

I am implementing DES Encryption in Java with use of BigIntegers.

I am left shifting binary keys with Java BigIntegers by doing the BigInteger.leftShift(int n) method. Key of N (Kn) is dependent on the result of the shift of Kn-1. The problem I am getting is that I am printing out the results after each key is generated and the shifting is not the expected out put. The key is split in 2 Cn and Dn (left and right respectively).

I am specifically attempting this: "To do a left shift, move each bit one place to the left, except for the first bit, which is cycled to the end of the block. "

It seems to tack on O's on the end depending on the shift. Not sure how to go about correcting this.


c0: 11110101010100110011000011110

d0: 11110001111001100110101010100

c1: 111101010101001100110000111100

d1: 111100011110011001101010101000

c2: 11110101010100110011000011110000

d2: 11110001111001100110101010100000

c3: 1111010101010011001100001111000000

d3: 1111000111100110011010101010000000

c4: 111101010101001100110000111100000000

d4: 111100011110011001101010101000000000

c5: 11110101010100110011000011110000000000

d5: 11110001111001100110101010100000000000

c6: 1111010101010011001100001111000000000000

d6: 1111000111100110011010101010000000000000

c7: 111101010101001100110000111100000000000000

d7: 111100011110011001101010101000000000000000

c8: 1111010101010011001100001111000000000000000

d8: 1111000111100110011010101010000000000000000

c9: 111101010101001100110000111100000000000000000

d9: 111100011110011001101010101000000000000000000

c10: 11110101010100110011000011110000000000000000000

d10: 11110001111001100110101010100000000000000000000

c11: 1111010101010011001100001111000000000000000000000

d11: 1111000111100110011010101010000000000000000000000

c12: 111101010101001100110000111100000000000000000000000

d12: 111100011110011001101010101000000000000000000000000

c13: 11110101010100110011000011110000000000000000000000000

d13: 11110001111001100110101010100000000000000000000000000

c14: 1111010101010011001100001111000000000000000000000000000

d14: 1111000111100110011010101010000000000000000000000000000

c15: 11110101010100110011000011110000000000000000000000000000

d15: 11110001111001100110101010100000000000000000000000000000

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ThePinkPoo Avatar asked Apr 28 '10 05:04


2 Answers

BigInteger implements infinite-precision integers, so shifting to the left will keep adding zeros to the left. You need a rotate:

private static BigInteger rotateLeft(BigInteger bi) {
    BigInteger ret = bi.shiftLeft(1);
    if (ret.testBit(32)) {
        ret = ret.clearBit(32).setBit(0);
    return ret;

That's going to be rather inefficient for 32-bit numbers, so you might as well just use primitives to rotate DES' 28-bit halves. I'm not familiar with the DES algorithm, so I'll assume you need BigInteger for something else.

private static BigInteger rotateLeftPrimitive(BigInteger bi) {
    int value = bi.intValue();
    return BigInteger.valueOf(((value << 1) & 0xffffffe) | ((value >>> 27) & 1));
like image 132
Brett Kail Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Brett Kail

It seems that you need a cyclic left shift. BigInteger.shiftLeft is not cyclic. You'd have to combine shiftLeft, shiftRight, and and or, just like you would if you were using int and <<.

static BigInteger allOnes(int L) {
    return BigInteger.ZERO

static BigInteger cyclicLeftShift(BigInteger n, int L, int k) {
    return n.shiftLeft(k)
        .or(n.shiftRight(L - k))

Now, cyclicLeftShift(n, L, k) returns n cyclically-shifted k bits to the left, where the cycle window is L.

How this works is as follows:

                              /                    \
n :                           [ABCDE][FG...........]

n.shiftLeft(k) :       [ABCDE][FG...........][00000]
n.shiftRight(L - k) :                        [ABCDE]

   =                   [ABCDE][FG...........][ABCDE]

   .and                       /                    \
allOnes(L) :                  [111..............111]

   =                          [FG...........][ABCDE]

See also

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_shift

Note: if you have a fixed L, you can optimize this a bit by caching allOnes(L) instead of computing it every time.

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polygenelubricants Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
