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Bitbucket Pull Request refspec

I've searched Atlassian docs and found this ref/pull-requests/$PR_NO/from and when I try to fetch that, I encounter this error Couldn't find remote ref refs/pull-requests/1/from. Is there a way to enable this ref? Or are webhooks the only option? I am trying a CI setup with Bitbucket.

(We're on the 10-user paid plan)

like image 753
yowmamasita Avatar asked Feb 05 '16 04:02


2 Answers

This is now possible. You just need to add a line like this to your <repo_root>/.git/config:

[remote "origin"]
    url = ...
    fetch = ...
    fetch = +refs/pull-requests/*:refs/pull-requests/*

When you fetch, you'll see a whole new set of refs appear:

$ git fetch origin
remote: Counting objects: 252, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (48/48), done.
remote: Total 82 (delta 20), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (82/82), done.
From ...
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/300/from  -> refs/pull-requests/300/from
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/300/merge -> refs/pull-requests/300/merge
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/302/from  -> refs/pull-requests/302/from
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/323/from  -> refs/pull-requests/323/from
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/323/merge -> refs/pull-requests/323/merge
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/344/from  -> refs/pull-requests/344/from
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/344/merge -> refs/pull-requests/344/merge
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/350/from  -> refs/pull-requests/350/from
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/350/merge -> refs/pull-requests/350/merge
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/355/from  -> refs/pull-requests/355/from
 * [new ref]           refs/pull-requests/355/merge -> refs/pull-requests/355/merge

*/from gives you PR branch heads; */merge gives you the result of merging the PR with your target branch.

For more details, see Pull request proficiency: Fetching abilities unlocked!

like image 150
user2248785 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 15:11


This is unsupported by Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/site/master/issues/5814/reify-pull-requests-by-making-them-a-ref

like image 24
imanuelcostigan Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 15:11
