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Bitbucket in HTTPS : git push outputs an fatal: Authentication failed

I have a problem with bitbucket and git in HTTPS.

When I try a push I have the following output :

$ git push origin master
fatal: Authentication failed

$ git push
fatal: Authentication failed

.git/config is configured with the HTTPS link I found on the repo on Bitcucket.

The pull works however perfectly with this HTTPS link.

Thank you.

like image 299
Florian G Avatar asked Mar 04 '14 16:03

Florian G

1 Answers

It was a problem of rights on bitbucket, not a problem of config.

I was on read only. The admin added to me the right to write and the push is now working.

like image 56
Florian G Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10

Florian G