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Bit Aligning for Space and Performance Boosts

In the book Game Coding Complete, 3rd Edition, the author mentions a technique to both reduce data structure size and increase access performance. In essence it relies on the fact that you gain performance when member variables are memory aligned. This is an obvious potential optimization that compilers would take advantage of, but by making sure each variable is aligned they end up bloating the size of the data structure.

Or that was his claim at least.

The real performance increase, he states, is by using your brain and ensuring that your structure is properly designed to take take advantage of speed increases while preventing the compiler bloat. He provides the following code snippet:

#pragma pack( push, 1 )

struct SlowStruct
    char c;
    __int64 a;
    int b;
    char d;

struct FastStruct
    __int64 a;
    int b;
    char c;
    char d;  
    char unused[ 2 ]; // fill to 8-byte boundary for array use

#pragma pack( pop )

Using the above struct objects in an unspecified test he reports a performance increase of 15.6% (222ms compared to 192ms) and a smaller size for the FastStruct. This all makes sense on paper to me, but it fails to hold up under my testing:

enter image description here

Same time results and size (counting for the char unused[ 2 ])!

Now if the #pragma pack( push, 1 ) is isolated only to FastStruct (or removed completely) we do see a difference:

enter image description here

So, finally, here lies the question: Do modern compilers (VS2010 specifically) already optimize for the bit alignment, hence the lack of performance increase (but increase the structure size as a side-affect, like Mike Mcshaffry stated)? Or is my test not intensive enough/inconclusive to return any significant results?

For the tests I did a variety of tasks from math operations, column-major multi-dimensional array traversing/checking, matrix operations, etc. on the unaligned __int64 member. None of which produced different results for either structure.

In the end, even if their was no performance increase, this is still a useful tidbit to keep in mind for keeping memory usage to a minimum. But I would love it if there was a performance boost (no matter how minor) that I am just not seeing.

like image 824
ssell Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 20:01


4 Answers

It is highly dependent on the hardware.

Let me demonstrate:

#pragma pack( push, 1 )

struct SlowStruct
    char c;
    __int64 a;
    int b;
    char d;

struct FastStruct
    __int64 a;
    int b;
    char c;
    char d;  
    char unused[ 2 ]; // fill to 8-byte boundary for array use

#pragma pack( pop )

int main (void){

    int x = 1000;
    int iterations = 10000000;

    SlowStruct *slow = new SlowStruct[x];
    FastStruct *fast = new FastStruct[x];

    //  Warm the cache.
    memset(slow,0,x * sizeof(SlowStruct));
    clock_t time0 = clock();
    for (int c = 0; c < iterations; c++){
        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++){
            slow[i].a += c;
    clock_t time1 = clock();
    cout << "slow = " << (double)(time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    //  Warm the cache.
    memset(fast,0,x * sizeof(FastStruct));
    time1 = clock();
    for (int c = 0; c < iterations; c++){
        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++){
            fast[i].a += c;
    clock_t time2 = clock();
    cout << "fast = " << (double)(time2 - time1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

    //  Print to avoid Dead Code Elimination
    __int64 sum = 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < x; c++){
        sum += slow[c].a;
        sum += fast[c].a;
    cout << "sum = " << sum << endl;

    return 0;

Core i7 920 @ 3.5 GHz

slow = 4.578
fast = 4.434
sum = 99999990000000000

Okay, not much difference. But it's still consistent over multiple runs.
So the alignment makes a small difference on Nehalem Core i7.

Intel Xeon X5482 Harpertown @ 3.2 GHz (Core 2 - generation Xeon)

slow = 22.803
fast = 3.669
sum = 99999990000000000

Now take a look...

6.2x faster!!!


You see the results. You decide whether or not it's worth your time to do these optimizations.


Same benchmarks but without the #pragma pack:

Core i7 920 @ 3.5 GHz

slow = 4.49
fast = 4.442
sum = 99999990000000000

Intel Xeon X5482 Harpertown @ 3.2 GHz

slow = 3.684
fast = 3.717
sum = 99999990000000000
  • The Core i7 numbers didn't change. Apparently it can handle misalignment without trouble for this benchmark.
  • The Core 2 Xeon now shows the same times for both versions. This confirms that misalignment is a problem on the Core 2 architecture.

Taken from my comment:

If you leave out the #pragma pack, the compiler will keep everything aligned so you don't see this issue. So this is actually an example of what could happen if you misuse #pragma pack.

like image 125
Mysticial Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09


Such hand-optimizations are generally long dead. Alignment is only a serious consideration if you're packing for space, or if you have an enforced-alignment type like SSE types. The compiler's default alignment and packing rules are intentionally designed to maximize performance, obviously, and whilst hand-tuning them can be beneficial, it's not generally worth it.

Probably, in your test program, the compiler never stored any structure on the stack and just kept the members in registers, which do not have alignment, which means that it's fairly irrelevant what the structure size or alignment is.

Here's the thing: There can be aliasing and other nasties with sub-word accessing, and it's no slower to access a whole word than to access a sub-word. So in general, it's no more efficient, in time, to pack more tightly than word size if you're only accessing, say, one member.

like image 29
Puppy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09


Visual Studio is a great compiler when it comes to optimization. However, bear in mind that the current "Optimization War" in game development is not on the PC arena. While such optimizations may quite well be dead on the PC, on the console platforms it's a completely different pair of shoes.

That said, you might want to repost this question on the specialized gamedev stackexchange site, you might get some answers directly from "the field".

Finally, your results are exactly the same up to the microsecond which is dead impossible on a modern multithreaded system -- I'm pretty sure you either use a very low resolution timer, or your timing code is broken.

like image 34
Kornel Kisielewicz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Kornel Kisielewicz

Modern compilers align members on different byte boundaries depending on the size of the member. See the bottom of this.

Normally you really shouldn't care about structure padding but if you have an object that is going to have 1000000 instances or something the rule of the thumb is simply to order your members from biggest to smallest. I wouldn't recommend messing with the padding with #pragma directives.

like image 28
David Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
