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Can you resize a C++ array after initialization? [duplicate]

I'm learning to program, and C++ is my first language. Don't bother using pointers to show me - I don't understand them yet, and won't bother until I have more free time to dedicate to this.

    int mergeSort()
    const int n = 9;
    int originalarray[n] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8};

    const int halfelements = (sizeof(originalarray) / sizeof(int)) / 2;
    int farray[halfelements];
    int sarray[halfelements];

    for (int i = 0; i < halfelements; i++) {
        farray[i] = originalarray[i];

    for (int i = halfelements, x = 0; i < (halfelements * 2); i++, x++) {
        sarray[x] = originalarray[i];

I was assigned (I'm not taking classes - just learning with a few friends helping me out) a merge sort algorithm, with the algorithm explained but not the implementation. I want to rewrite this so it will work for both odd and even integers. I tried adding this code:

if ((n % 2) != 0) int farray[halfelements + 1];

So that I could use the same integer to iterate over both subsequent arrays. A sizeof(farray) is showing to be 16 bytes, or 4 integers. So it isn't resizing. What I want to know - is it possible to resize arrays after they initialized?

Edit: How would I implement a vector? I don't understand how to use iterators in a loop to iterate over and copy the values.

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jkeys Avatar asked Apr 16 '09 16:04


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4 Answers

C++ arrays are fixed in size.

If you need a "resizable array", you'll want to use std::vector instead of an array.

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Legion Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10


My advice is even stronger: use std::vector<> (et. al.) unless you have a very good reason to use a C-style array. Since you're learning C++, I doubt you have such a reason: use std::vector<>.

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Ðаn Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10


I would also recommend std::vector. However if you are stuck with an array you can always malloc the memory and then realloc if you need to make the array larger.

Do a search here on SO, there is information about malloc and realloc.

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Gregor Brandt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

Gregor Brandt

If you want to resize an array, you probably want to use a vector, which can be resized automatically.

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tstenner Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10
