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Binding stops working in input within ng-if



For some reason binding doesn't work on an input within ng-if block in a directive

so this, doesn't work:

app.directive 'foo', ->
    restrict: 'E'
    template: "<input ng-if=\"type === 'string'\" ng-model='filterText'>
                  <div> {{filterText}} </div>"

<foo type="'string'" />

it works fine outside of directive or without ng-if. Wrapping input inside of a div with ng-if not helping. Is it a bug?

jsbin link

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iLemming Avatar asked Sep 29 '14 19:09


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2 Answers

It is caused by the ng-if introducing a new scope combined with the fact that you ng-model "has not dot in it".

This works:

template: "<div ng-init='holder={}'> <input ng-if=\"type === 'string'\" ng-model='holder.filterText'></div>
               <div> {{holder.filterText}}</div>"

See the directive info at https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngIf and notice the text "This directive creates new scope." For the "dot-in-model", see for example Does my ng-model really need to have a dot to avoid child $scope problems? or https://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-the-dot Basically when reading the value it will be read correctly traversing scope prototypes, but when modifying the value it will be written to the very own scope.

like image 149
Stephen Friedrich Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Stephen Friedrich

Since ng-if creates a new scope, you just need to do this


Also, please check this answer.

like image 20
zs2020 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
