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Cancel ng-swipe-right on child

In my angular application, the body has a ng-swipe right and left to toggle a sidebar. The problem is when in my page I have a scrollable horizontal DIV. It won't scroll because of the swipe of the body.

<body ng-swipe-right="sidebar = true" ng-swipe-left="sidebar = false">
    <div class="scrollable-x">long content that overflow on x</div>

Is there a way to prevent from swiping and to let the scroll of the child element?

I tried to set $event.stopPropagation() on the swipe of the div so the scrollbar is not toggled anymore but the content won't scroll.

Any idea?

like image 643
Loric- Avatar asked Aug 11 '14 10:08


2 Answers


Looked at allenhwkim's answer and indeed he is correct, that $event's propagation can be easily stopped. I took it for granted (without checking), that attaching ng-swipe-* directive to other element will start firing separate events. I was clearly wrong.

HERE is updated fiddle.

The below answer is basically rubbish.

There is still one problem with stopPropagation -- the mouse up event seems not to fire.

The most elegant solution would be to decorate the ng-swipe-* directives or $swipe service -- but looking into their code and I do not think it is possible.

Other option would be to create your own directive, that would manually attach ng-swipe-*, take care of the compilation process and provide desired functionality. Surely, bit complicated.

What I came up with is a quick hack. The idea is to add an attribute to an element whose descendants should not fire the ng-swipe-*.


myApp.value('shouldFire', function(element){
     var update = true;

        // strange enough $event.fromElement is always null
        var current = element;
        while(current && current != document.body){
                update = false;
            current = current.parentElement;

        return update;

function MyCtrl($scope, shouldFire) {
    $scope.sidebar = false;

    $scope.updateSidebar = function($event, show){

        var element = $event.toElement || $event.srcElement; 
        shouldFire(element) && ($scope.sidebar = show);



<div class="cont" ng-swipe-right="updateSidebar($event, true)"
    ng-swipe-left="updateSidebar($event, false)">


<div class="pan-container" panhandler=""
   content-width="500px" swipe="cancel">



  1. in android's chrome.v.39 angular-panhandler is broken.
  2. $event stores a proper touch event (android's chrome) or a custom event (desktop's chrome); in the latter case $event.fromElement is always null.
  3. The proposed solution is a quick hack -- it is neither elegant nor general. Nonetheless, theoretically it could be possible to support multi ng-swipe-* handlers by setting different values in swipe attribute.
like image 61
artur grzesiak Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11

artur grzesiak

$event.stopProgagation() must work. I don't know why yours not work.


  var app = angular.module('myApp',['ngTouch']);
  app.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope) {
    $scope.void = function(evt){

The common sense to me is that swiping and scroll left/right are different.

swiping is about moving fast. If you do not move fast. it's not swiping. When you scroll slowly, swiping does not happen.

I think all users know about this(maybe not). If not, I would recommend UX approach to let the user scroll slowly by showing some button or whatever, and leaving swipe as it is.

Anyhow, there is a way to disabling swipe using stopPropagation

Let me know if this plnkr does not satisfy your requirement.

like image 1
allenhwkim Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11
