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Binding ElementName. Does it use Visual Tree or Logical Tree


Having {Binding ElementName=foo}, will it lookup visual or logical tree?

Of logical and visual trees in WPF | Data See, Data Do

When does the logical tree matter?

When looking up a name, such as in {Binding ElementName=Foo}, the search walks up the ancestry looking for a name scope, again just as it does for inheritable properties.

ElementName binding in Silverlight via Attached Behaviours

In order to enable this, WPF provides ElementName and RelativeSource bindings, giving you a powerful mechanism for locating other elements within your visual tree to bind to


It looks like the Logical Tree used for binding by ElementName.

Argument # 1.

According to MSDN article FrameworkElement Class:

FrameworkElement extends UIElement and adds the following capabilities:

  • Support for data binding and dynamic resource references: The property-level support for data binding and resources is implemented by the DependencyProperty class and embodied in the property system, but the ability to resolve a member value that is stored as an Expression (the programming construct that underlies both data binding and dynamic resources) is implemented by FrameworkElement. For more information, see Data Binding Overview and Resources Overview.

Argument # 2.

ElementName points to x:Name, so this name should be found some how. There is a NameScope concept.

For most scenarios, the FindName methods exposed on FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement are more appropriate methods to call to search for elements by name. The Name properties exposed by FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement are more appropriate properties to use to set the initial name as markup attributes. And the RegisterName methods exposed on FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement is necessary to establish a name into a specific namescope (there is no NameScope member that can do this directly; you must set the current namescope first to use RegisterName).

On the other hand, Visual class neither have FindName method, nor implement INameScope.

like image 743
alex2k8 Avatar asked Apr 01 '09 14:04


People also ask

What is logical and visual tree in WPF?

The logical tree exposed by WPF is a simplification of what is actually going on when the elements are rendered. The entire tree of elements actually being rendered is called the visual tree.

How does binding work in WPF?

Data binding is a mechanism in WPF applications that provides a simple and easy way for Windows Runtime apps to display and interact with data. In this mechanism, the management of data is entirely separated from the way data. Data binding allows the flow of data between UI elements and data object on user interface.

What is a visual tree?

VISUAL TREE: The Visual Tree is a tree structure that represents the fine-grained hierarchy of Visuals that constitute what appears on the screen.

1 Answers

I think it's logical tree. When using ControlTemplates, you're replacing one visual tree with another, but I don't think you can reference the names defined inside of the ControlTemplate.

For example:

            <ControlTemplate x:Key="Foo" TargetType="Button">
                <Border x:Name="border" Background="Red">
                    <Label Content="{TemplateBinding Content}"></Label>
        <Button x:Name="buttonFoo" Background="Green" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Template="{DynamicResource Foo}">Foo</Button>
        <Label x:Name="labelBar" Grid.Column="1"  HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Background="{Binding ElementName=border, Path=Background}">Bar</Label>

Doesn't find the element named "border" in the ControlTemplate, but changing ElementName in labelBar's binding to "buttonFoo" makes the Background Green, as expected.

like image 186
micahtan Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10
