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How can C++ object lifetimes be correctly managed in Cython?


When writing a Cython wrapper for a C++ library, I've encountered a case where it's not clear how to correctly decide when to delete certain C++ instances.

The C++ library looks something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

class Widget {
    char *name;
        Widget() : name(strdup("a widget")) {}
        ~Widget() { printf("Widget destruct\n"); }
        void foo() { printf("Widget::foo %s\n", this->name); }

class Sprocket {
        Widget *important;

        Sprocket(Widget* important) : important(important) {}
        ~Sprocket() { important->foo(); }

An important aspect of this library is that the Sprocket destructor uses the Widget* it was given, so the Widget must not be destroyed until after the Sprocket has been.

The Cython wrapper I've written looks like this:

cdef extern from "somelib.h":
    cdef cppclass Widget:

    cdef cppclass Sprocket:

cdef class PyWidget:
    cdef Widget *thisptr

    def __init__(self):
        self.thisptr = new Widget()

    def __dealloc__(self):
        print 'PyWidget dealloc'
        del self.thisptr

cdef class PySprocket:
    cdef PyWidget widget
    cdef Sprocket *thisptr

    def __init__(self, PyWidget widget):
        self.widget = widget
        self.thisptr = new Sprocket(self.widget.thisptr)

    def __dealloc__(self):
        print 'PySprocket dealloc with widget', self.widget
        del self.thisptr

After building the Python build like this:

$ cython --cplus somelib.pyx 
$ g++ -I/usr/include/python2.6 -L/usr/lib somelib.cpp -shared -o somelib.so

In the trivial case, it appears to work:

$ python -c 'from somelib import PyWidget, PySprocket
spr = PySprocket(PyWidget())
del spr
PySprocket dealloc with widget <somelib.PyWidget object at 0xb7537080>
Widget::foo a widget
PyWidget dealloc
Widget destruct

The cdef Widget field keeps the PyWidget alive until after PySprocket.__dealloc__ destroys the Sprocket. However, as soon as the Python garbage collected gets involved, the tp_clear function Cython constructs for PySprocket messes this up:

$ python -c 'from somelib import PyWidget, PySprocket
class BadWidget(PyWidget):
widget = BadWidget()
sprocket = PySprocket(widget)
widget.cycle = sprocket
del widget
del sprocket
PyWidget dealloc
Widget destruct
PySprocket dealloc with widget None
Widget::foo ��h�

Since there's a reference cycle, the garbage collector invokes the tp_clear to try to break the cycle. Cython's tp_clear drops all references to Python objects. Only after this happens does PySprocket.__dealloc__ get to run.

Cython documentation warns about __dealloc__ (although it took me a while to learn what conditions it was talking about, since it doesn't go into any detail). So perhaps this approach is entirely invalid.

Can Cython support this use case?

As (what I hope is) a temporary work-around, I've moved to an approach that looks something like this:

cdef class PySprocket:
    cdef void *widget
    cdef Sprocket *thisptr

    def __init__(self, PyWidget widget):
        self.widget = <void*>widget
        self.thisptr = new Sprocket(self.widget.thisptr)

    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self.thisptr

In other words, hiding the reference from Cython so that it is still valid in __dealloc__, and doing reference counting on it manually.

like image 521
Jean-Paul Calderone Avatar asked Dec 21 '10 17:12

Jean-Paul Calderone

People also ask

Is Cython c or C++?

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Does Cython support C++?

Cython has native support for most of the C++ language. Specifically: C++ objects can be dynamically allocated with new and del keywords. C++ objects can be stack-allocated.

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Cython is fast at the same time provides flexibility of being object-oriented, functional, and dynamic programming language. One of the key aspects of Cython include optional static type declarations which comes out of the box.

How do you define a function in Cython?

There are two kinds of function definition in Cython: Python functions are defined using the def statement, as in Python. They take Python objects as parameters and return Python objects. C functions are defined using the cdef statement in Cython syntax or with the @cfunc decorator.

1 Answers

cdef extern from "somelib.h":
    cdef cppclass Widget:

    cdef cppclass Sprocket:

cdef class PyWidget:
    cdef Widget *thisptr
    cdef set    sprockets

    def __init__(self):
        self.thisptr = new Widget()
        self.sprockets = set()

    def __dealloc__(self):
        print 'PyWidget dealloc'
        #PyWidget knows the sprockets and notifies them on destroy
        sprockets_to_dealloc = self.sprockets.copy()
        #with this solution spr items can call back to detach
        for spr in sprockets_to_dealloc:
          del spr
        del self.thisptr

    def attach(PySprocket spr):
        print 'PySprocket attach'

    def detach(PySprocket spr):
        print 'PySprocket detach'

cdef class PySprocket:
    cdef PyWidget widget
    cdef Sprocket *thisptr

    def __init__(self, PyWidget widget):
        self.thisptr = new Sprocket(widget.thisptr)
        #You should be sure here that the widget exists
        self.widget = widget

    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self.thisptr

I come back a bit later to check what I have wrote, cause I'm quite tired, but here is what matters: The point is that you want to notify Sprockets when destroying Widget, and vice versa.

It is a general solution, can be tuned up.

You have to include error handling also, I have skipped that absolutely. Nothing to do with garbage collector, there was a design problem in your code.

EDIT: these codes are equialent:

class BadWidget(PyWidget):
widget = BadWidget()
sprocket = PySprocket(widget)
widget.cycle = sprocket ###1
del widget ###2
del sprocket


class BadWidget(PyWidget):
widget = BadWidget()
sprocket = PySprocket(widget)
sprocket.widget.cycle = sprocket ###1
del sprocket.widget ###2
del sprocket

###2 will call sprocket.widget.__deallocate__() and it doesn't deallocates sprocket.widget.cycle, so the sprocket will survive the widget

like image 192
ch0kee Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
