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Binding converter as inner class?






I have a UserControl that uses a binding converter. I've made the converter an inner class of

public partial class MyPanel : UserControl
    public class CornerRadiusConverter : IValueConverter

How do I reference the Converter class from the XAML? The following does not work:

<controls:MyPanel.CornerRadiusConverter x:Key="CornerRadiusConverter" />

It gives this error:

The tag 'LensPanel.CornerRadiusConverter' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:MyApp.Windows.Controls'

like image 785
Robbert Dam Avatar asked May 14 '09 12:05

Robbert Dam

1 Answers

I was thinking about this problem again, and I came up with something similar to Dennis's solution : create a "proxy" converter class, with a Type property, which will create the instance of the actual converter and delegate the conversion to it.

public class Converter : IValueConverter
    private Type _type = null;
    public Type Type
        get { return _type; }
            if (value != _type)
                if (value.GetInterface("IValueConverter") != null)
                    _type = value;
                    _converter = null;
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        string.Format("Type {0} doesn't implement IValueConverter", value.FullName),

    private IValueConverter _converter = null;
    private void CreateConverter()
        if (_converter == null)
            if (_type != null)
                _converter = Activator.CreateInstance(_type) as IValueConverter;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Converter type is not defined");

    #region IValueConverter Members

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return _converter.Convert(value, targetType, parameter, culture);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return _converter.ConvertBack(value, targetType, parameter, culture);


You use it like that :

    <my:Converter x:Key="CornerRadiusConverter" Type="{x:Type controls:MyPanel+CornerRadiusConverter}"/>
like image 132
Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

Thomas Levesque