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Binding a visible parameter to an 'or' statement in Knockout

I would like to bind a visible property to be true when one of two conditions are true. Something like the following

 <tr data-bind="visible: active || $parent.displayDeactive">....</tr>

My code works when I do one or the other bindings but not when I put the || in there. I haven't found any documentation that says I can put any logic in this binding, but if I can't do it directly what is the est way to do it since I am binding a property of a template and one object of the $parent viewmodel.

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PlTaylor Avatar asked Jan 10 '12 12:01


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2 Answers

If you are using the value of an observable in an expression then you need to reference them as a function. So, if active and displayDeactive are observables you would do:

data-bind="visible: active() || $parent.displayDeactive()"

There are a few ways to move it to the view model, you could:

  • create a computed observable on the child (function would need to be able to reference the parent)
  • create a function on the parent that takes in the child and returns your value (bindings are executed in a computed observable, so it will fire again when any observable that it accesses changes)
  • create a function on the child that takes in the parent and returns the value (same note as above)

Sample of logic in the binding and using a function on the parent here: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/f6ZgH/

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RP Niemeyer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

RP Niemeyer

Add the parens after the observables, since you are evaluating them.

<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked:displayDeactive"> Display deactive</input>
    <tbody data-bind="foreach: products">
        <tr data-bind="visible: active() || $parent.displayDeactive()">
            <td><span data-bind="text:name"></span></td>

You can find the full code here: http://jsfiddle.net/johnpapa/gsnUs/

You could use a computed property on the templated item that evaluates the expression (just saw the @RPNiemeyer responded with that too ... I +1'd).

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John Papa Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

John Papa