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Bind button in DataTemplate to command in the form's ViewModel

My problem is similar to the one described in this question:
WPF MVVM Button Control Binding in DataTemplate

Here is my XAML:

<Window x:Class="MissileSharp.Launcher.MainWindow"
        Title="MissileSharp Launcher" Height="350" Width="525">
        <!-- when I put the button here (outside the list), the binding works -->
        <!--<Button Content="test" Command="{Binding Path=FireCommand}" />-->
        <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding CommandSets}">
                    <!-- I need the button here (inside the list), and here the binding does NOT work -->
                    <Button Content="{Binding}" Command="{Binding Path=FireCommand}" />

It's just a ListBox, bound to an ObservableCollection<string> named CommandSets (which is in the ViewModel).
This binding works (it displays a button for each item in the collection).

Now I want to bind the button to a command (FireCommand), which is also in the ViewModel.
Here's the relevant part of the ViewModel:

public class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public ICommand FireCommand { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection<string> CommandSets { get; set; }

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        this.FireCommand = new RelayCommand(new Action<object>(this.FireMissile));

    private void FireMissile(Object obj)

The binding of this button does NOT work.
From what I've understood from the question I linked above, the binding doesn't work because:
(correct me if I'm wrong)

  • The button is inside the ListBox, so it only "knows" the binding of the ListBox (the ObservableCollection, in this case), but not the binding of the main window
  • I'm trying to bind to a command in the main ViewModel of the main window (which the button doesn't "know")

The command itself is definitely correct, because when I put the button outside the ListBox (see the XAML above for an example), the binding works and the command is executed.

Apparently, I "just" need to tell the button to bind to the main ViewModel of the form.
But I'm not able to figure out the right XAML syntax.

I tried several approaches that I found after some googling, but none of them worked for me:

<Button Content="{Binding}" Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Window}, Path=DataContext.FireCommand}" />

<Button Content="{Binding}" Command="{Binding Path=FireCommand, Source={StaticResource MainWindow}}" />

<Button Content="{Binding}" Command="{Binding Path=FireCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}" />

Could someone please:

  1. give me the proper XAML to bind the button inside the ListBox to a command in the form's MainViewModel?
  2. point me to a link where this advanced binding stuff is explained in a way that a WPF/MVVM beginner can understand?
    I'm feeling like I'm just copying and pasting arcane XAML incantations, and so far I don't have any clue (and can't find any good documentation) how I would figure out by myself in which cases I'd need RelativeSource or StaticResource or whatever instead of a "normal" binding.
like image 546
Christian Specht Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 22:09

Christian Specht

2 Answers


{Binding DataContext.FireCommand,
         RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ListBox}}

No need to walk up to the root unless you actually change the DataContext along the way, but as the ListBox seems to bind to a property on the main VM this should be enough.

The only thing i recommend reading is the Data Binding Overview, and the Binding class documentation (including its properties).

Also here is a short explanation on how bindings are constructed: A binding consists of a source and a Path relative to that source, by default the source is the current DataContext. Sources that can be set explicitly are: Source, ElementName & RelativeSource. Setting any of those will override the DataContext as source.

So if you use a source like RelativeSource and want to access something in the DataContext on that level the DataContext needs to appear in the Path.

like image 85
H.B. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


This may be considered unrelated by most, but this search is only 1 of 3 results that you'll find searching for data binding commands to controls inside a data template--as it relates to Xamarin Forms. So, maybe it'll help someone now-a-days.

Like me you may wonder how to bind commands inside a BindableLayout. Credit jesulink2514 for answering this at Xamarin Forums, where it's probably overlooked by many because of all the comments. Here's his solution, but I'm including the link below:

<ContenPage x:Name="MainPage">
<ListView Grid.Row="1"
              ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}"
      <Label Text="{Binding Property}"/>
          <Button Command="{Binding BindingContext.ItemCommand, Source={x:Reference MainPage}}" 
                         CommandParameter="{Binding .}">Click me</Button>


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smooveys Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
