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Bind Array Item to [(value)] in Angular

Hi i am working with Angular material and i have an Array of products that creates a table in my template

    <tr *ngFor="let item of productArray | async; let i = index">

Inside this loop i have another loop on a <th> tag:

      <mat-select placeholder="Length" formControlName="lengthOption" [compareWith]="compareWith" [(value)]="item.lengthOption">
         <mat-option *ngFor="let lengthOption of item.lengthOptions" [value]="lengthOption">

I would like to make use of the two way binding of [(value)].

I know i can set [value] to be lengthOption.name for example and then set the binding to [(Value)]="selected" and then i can set this in my component (selected = whatever) or view it in the template via {{selected}}.

My query is can i get this value from the parent array like i am trying in the inner loop:

*ngFor="let item of productArray | async; let i = index"


lengthOption does exist on productArray.

The point of this i want to set a initial selected value for each products mat-select.

lengthOption looks like { "id": 1, "name": "Ten Years" }

So i am trying to set the object to the mat-option from a parent array, not just a object value form its own array.

Thanks in advance.

like image 202
David Avatar asked Jul 03 '18 13:07


1 Answers

you can add a new property to item (the selected one) and change it on ngModelChange

 <mat-select placeholder="Length" formControlName="lengthOption" (ngModelChange)="select($event, item)" [compareWith]="compareWith" [(value)]="item.lengthOption">
     <mat-option *ngFor="let lengthOption of item.lengthOptions" [value]="lengthOption">

and try something like this to change each time you select a new one :

select(selectedValue, item) {
 item['selectedLengthOption'] = selectedValue;

and you can access it in your template inside your loop

like image 157
Fateh Mohamed Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Fateh Mohamed