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Better windows command line shells [closed]





Is there a better windows command line shell other than cmd which has better copy paste between Windows' windows and console windows?

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JSN Avatar asked Aug 08 '08 06:08


People also ask

How can I make my Windows Command Prompt better?

Right-click on the top bar of Command Prompt and select Properties. In the Properties window, open the Colors tab. At the bottom, drag the Opacity slider to adjust the transparency. Feel free to experiment with the slider to achieve the best look.

Why does my CMD open and close?

Use Windows 10 System File Checker (SFC) If the system file is damaged, it may also cause the problem that CMD opens and closes immediately in Windows 10. For this, you can try to fix this problem by running the Windows 10 System File Checker (SFC).

How do I close a Windows shell?

To close or exit the Windows command line window, also referred to as command or cmd mode or DOS mode, type exit and press Enter . The exit command can also be placed in a batch file. Alternatively, if the window is not fullscreen, you can click the X close button in the top-right corner of the window.

What is the most powerful command in CMD?

One of the most powerful tools in the CMD command library is the ASSOC command. Your computer associates certain file extensions with certain programs.

1 Answers

Enable QuickEdit mode, under the Options tab of your shortcut to the command shell. Mark with the mouse, right-click to copy, right-click again to paste.

While you're there, enable a hotkey (like CTRL + ALT + C) for lightning fast access to the shell.

And no, you can't have CTRL + C for COPY, because CTRL + C means BREAK.

On a related note, the Microsoftee who changed the default setting of QuickEdit mode between Windows Server 2000 and 2003 is an idiot and I heap curses upon him each workday.

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nray Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10
