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Better way to write the following program in Haskell



I'm writing a function that reduce free words. One can consider it as the following algorithm:

The idea is to cancel items in the list, if they are negative of each other and adjacent to each other. Apply it repeatedly until there is no more to cancel. For example [-2,1,-1,2,3] -> [-2,2,3]->[3]

I wrote the following code. It doesn't seem elegant. It uses head, tail many times, and there are total of 3 patterns for this function's input, it be nice if it can be reduced to 2. I want to know if there are more elegant ways to write it in Haskell. I suspect I can use fold for this, but I don't see how to do it naturally.

freeReduce []  = []
freeReduce [x] = [x]
freeReduce (x:xs)
  | x == -(head xs) = freeReduce (tail xs)
  | otherwise       = if' (rest == [])
                          (if' (x == - (head rest)) (tail rest) (x:rest))
  where rest = freeReduce xs
like image 428
Chao Xu Avatar asked Jun 25 '11 06:06

Chao Xu

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1 Answers

This is the clearest I can make it:

freeReduce []       = []
freeReduce (x : xs) = case freeReduce xs of
                           y : ys | y == -x ->     ys
                           ys               -> x : ys

Or equivalently:

freeReduce = foldr f []
  where f x (y : ys) | y == -x =     ys
        f x ys                 = x : ys

(Both untested.)

It seems that freeReduce is inherently strict.

(My original, incorrect attempt:

freeReduce (x : y : rest) | x == -y =     freeReduce rest
freeReduce (x : rest)               = x : freeReduce rest
freeReduce []                       =     []


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dave4420 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
