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Better practice for HTML5 web app: using getElementByID or storing a reference?

I'm building one of my first web apps using HTML5, specifically targeting iPhones.

Since I'm pretty new to this, I'm trying to develop some good coding habits, follow best practices, optimize performance, and minimize the load on the resource-constrained iPhone.

One of the things I need to do frequently... I have numerous divs (each of which has a unique id) that I'm frequently updating (e.g., with innerHTML), or modifying (e.g., style attributes with webkit transitions and transforms).

In general - am I better off using getElementByID each time I need a handle to a div, or should I store references to each div I access in "global" variables at the start?

(I use "global" in quotes because I've really just got one truly global variable - it's an object that stores all my "global" variables as properties).

I assume using getElementByID each time must have some overhead, since the function needs to traverse the DOM to find the div. But, I'm not sure how taxing or efficient this function is.

Using global variables to store handles to each element must consume some memory, but I don't know if these references require just a trivial amount of RAM, or more than that.

So - which is better? Or, do both options consume such a trivial amount of resources that I should just worry about which produces more readable, maintainable code?

Many thanks in advance!

like image 383
mattstuehler Avatar asked Aug 05 '11 22:08


People also ask

Should I use getElementById?

Using getElementById is the only good way to access the element, which can be done either by itself or preferably, with a function so that we can more appropriately handle errors if it can't be found. For allowing access to elements blocked by global id, this one goes to getElementById.

Can I use document getElementById in HTML?

The getElementById() method returns an element with a specified value. The getElementById() method returns null if the element does not exist. The getElementById() method is one of the most common methods in the HTML DOM. It is used almost every time you want to read or edit an HTML element.

What can I use instead of document getElementById?

A commonly-used alternative to document. getElementById is using a jQuery selector which you read about more here.

2 Answers

Using a local variable or even an object property is much faster than getElementById(). However, both are so fast that their performance is generally irrelevant compared to any other operation you might do once you have the element. Event setting a single property on the element is orders of magnitude slower than retrieving it by either method.

So the main reason to cache an element is to avoid the rather long-winded document.getElementById(... syntax, or to avoid having element ID strings scattered all over your code.

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Ian Nartowicz Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10

Ian Nartowicz

"In general - am I better off using getElementByID each time I need a handle to a div, or should I store references to each div"

When you're calling getElementById, you're asking it to perform a task. If you don't expect a different result when calling the same method with the same argument, then it would seem to make sense to cache the result.

"I assume using getElementByID each time must have some overhead, since the function needs to traverse the DOM to find the div. But, I'm not sure how taxing or efficient this function is."

In modern browsers especially, it's very fast, but not as fast as looking up a property on your global object.

"Using global variables to store handles to each element must consume some memory, but I don't know if these references require just a trivial amount of RAM, or more than that."

Trivial. It's just a pointer to an object that already exists. If you remove the element from the DOM with no intention to use it again, then of course you'll want to release your hold on it.

"So - which is better? Or, do both options consume such a trivial amount of resources that I should just worry about which produces more readable, maintainable code?"

Depends entirely on the situation. If you're only fetching it a couple times, then you may not find it worthwhile to add to your global object. The more you need to fetch the same element, the more sense it makes to cache it.

Here's a jsPerf test to compare. Of course size of your DOM as well as length of variable scope traversal and the number/depth of properties in your global object will play some role.

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user113716 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10
