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Better alternative to pmap in Clojure for parallelizing moderately inexpensive functions over big data?

Using clojure I have a very large amount of data in a sequence and I want to process it in parallel, with a relatively small number of cores (4 to 8).

The easiest thing to do is use pmap instead of map, to map my processing function over the sequence of data. But the coordination overhead results in a net loss in my case.

I think the reason is that pmap assumes the function mapped across the data is very costly. Looking at pmap's source code it appears to construct a future for each element of the sequence in turn so each invocation of the function occurs on a separate thread (cycling over the number of available cores).

Here is the relevant piece of pmap's source:

(defn pmap   "Like map, except f is applied in parallel. Semi-lazy in that the   parallel computation stays ahead of the consumption, but doesn't   realize the entire result unless required. Only useful for   computationally intensive functions where the time of f dominates   the coordination overhead."   ([f coll]    (let [n (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))          rets (map #(future (f %)) coll)          step (fn step [[x & xs :as vs] fs]                 (lazy-seq                  (if-let [s (seq fs)]                    (cons (deref x) (step xs (rest s)))                    (map deref vs))))]      (step rets (drop n rets))))   ;; multi-collection form of pmap elided  

In my case the mapped function is not that expensive but sequence is huge (millions of records). I think the cost of creating and dereferencing that many futures is where the parallel gain is lost in overhead.

Is my understanding of pmap correct?

Is there a better pattern in clojure for this sort of lower cost but massively repeated processing than pmap? I am considering chunking the data sequence somehow and then running threads on larger chunks. Is this a reasonable approach and what clojure idioms would work?

like image 787
Alex Stoddard Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 17:01

Alex Stoddard

2 Answers

This question: how-to-efficiently-apply-a-medium-weight-function-in-parallel also addresses this problem in a very similar context.

The current best answer is to use partition to break it into chunks. then pmap a map function onto each chunk. then recombine the results. map-reduce-style.

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Arthur Ulfeldt Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

Arthur Ulfeldt

Sadly not a valid answer yet, but something to watch for in the future is Rich's work with the fork/join library coming in Java 7. If you look at his Par branch on github he's done some work with it, and last I had seen the early returns were amazing.

Example of Rich trying it out.


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Runevault Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10
