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Best way to implement multiple both UUID and ID on each model in Rails

Transitioning a large legacy codebase from UUIDs to IDs. This needs to be done in stages to maintain backwards compatibility among many devices.

Current solution is to maintain both a UUID and ID field until we can transition over completely.

What's the best way to do this so that all belongs_to models update both the ID and UUID on each create/update?

Example: Comment model belongs to BlogPost and needs to set both blogpost_id & blogpost_uuid on create/update.

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Matt Privman Avatar asked Feb 25 '20 19:02

Matt Privman

3 Answers

Just do it through the database:

Let's say you have such legacy tables

class CreateLegacy < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    enable_extension 'uuid-ossp'

    create_table :legacies, id: :uuid do |t|

    create_table :another_legacies, id: false do |t|
      t.uuid :uuid, default: 'uuid_generate_v4()', primary_key: true

class Legacy < ActiveRecord::Base

class AnotherLegacy < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = 'uuid'

With the above code you have:

Legacy.create.id        # => "fb360410-0403-4388-9eac-c35f676f8368"
AnotherLegacy.create.id # => "dd45b2db-13c2-4ff1-bcad-3718cd119440"

Now to add the new id column

class AddIds < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    add_column :legacies, :new_id, :bigint
    add_index :legacies, :new_id, unique: true
    add_column :another_legacies, :id, :bigint
    add_index :another_legacies, :id, unique: true

    execute <<-SQL
      CREATE SEQUENCE legacies_new_id_seq;
      ALTER SEQUENCE legacies_new_id_seq OWNED BY legacies.new_id;
      ALTER TABLE legacies ALTER new_id SET DEFAULT nextval('legacies_new_id_seq');

      CREATE SEQUENCE another_legacies_id_seq;
      ALTER SEQUENCE another_legacies_id_seq OWNED BY another_legacies.id;
      ALTER TABLE another_legacies ALTER id SET DEFAULT nextval('another_legacies_id_seq');

  def down
    remove_column :legacies, :new_id
    remove_column :another_legacies, :id

The default value is added after you create the new column as this prevents the db to try to update all the records. => the default will be default just for new records.

The old one you can backfill as you wish.

e.g. One by one

Legacy.where(new_id: nil).find_each { |l| l.update_column(:new_id, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT nextval('legacies_new_id_seq')")[0]['nextval'].to_i) }

AnotherLegacy.where(id: nil).find_each { |l| l.update_column(:id, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT nextval('another_legacies_id_seq')")[0]['nextval'].to_i) }

If you want you can first backfill and then add the defaults and then backfill again.

When you are happy with the values just change the primary key:

class Legacy < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = 'new_id'

  def uuid

class AnotherLegacy < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = 'id' # needed as we have not switched the PK in the db
Legacy.first.id   # => 1
Legacy.first.uuid # => "fb360410-0403-4388-9eac-c35f676f8368"

AnotherLegacy.first.id   # => 1
AnotherLegacy.first.uuid # => "dd45b2db-13c2-4ff1-bcad-3718cd119440"

Finally you need one more migration to change the primary key to the new id.

Most importantly to avoid downtime:

  • create a column
  • ensure new records fill by default somehow (default or trigger)
  • backfill old record
  • add constraints
  • switch to the new column
  • then you can drop the old one (if you are sure it is not in use)

ps. not sure why you want to switch completely from the uuids, they are better if you want to reference the records from external applications

ps.2.0. if you need to be able to do Legacy.find("fb360410-0403-4388-9eac-c35f676f8368") and Legacy.find(123) maybe try https://github.com/norman/friendly_id

friendly_id :uuid, use: [:slugged, :finders]
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bliof Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10


On your Comment model, for example, you can add a before_save callback, which gets called on model creation and update. In the callback method, you can reference the association and make sure the necessary fields are updated on the Comment.

# app/models/comment.rb

belongs_to :blogpost

# Add callback, gets called before create and update
before_save :save_blogpost_id_and_uuid

# At the bottom of your model

def save_blogpost_id_and_uuid
  # You usually don't have to explicitly set the blogpost_id
  # because Rails usually handles it. But you might have to 
  # depending on your app's implementation of UUIDs. Although it's
  # probably safer to explicitly set them just in case.

  self.blogpost_uuid = blogpost.uuid
  self.blogpost_id = blogpost.id

And then repeat the above method for other models and their associations.

If desired, you can add some conditional logic that only updates the blogpost_id and blogpost_uuid if the blogpost ID or UUID changed.

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bwalshy Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10


You can define multiple keys for primary key using this gem: https://github.com/composite-primary-keys/composite_primary_keys

class Blogpost
  self.primary_keys = :uuid, :id

  has_many :comments, foreign_key: [:uuid, :id]

class Comment
  belongs_to :blogpost, foreign_key: [:blogpost_uuid, :blogpost_id]

It would work if you already generated UUID and ID for BlogPost and synchronized with Comment's blogpost_uuid, blogpost_id

In case you haven't synchronized blogpost_uuid and blogpost_id, I recommend you do the following to migrate:

  • Put your system to maintenance mode
  • Copy uuid from Blogpost to Comment's blogpost_uuid, you could do:
Comment.preload(:blogpost).find_each do |comment|
  comment.update_column(blogpost_uuid: blogpost.uuid)
  • Release new update with composite primary key gem and code change
  • Turn off maintenance mode

Hope it help you have a smooth transition. Let me know if something is not clear.

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Kien Le Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10

Kien Le