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How do I test a local variable inside a controller with Rspec?

In my Dashboard#Index, I have this:

  def index        
    tagged_nodes = Node.includes(:user_tags).tagged_with(current_user.email)    

How do I test this with RSpec?

I tried:

  expect(assigns(tagged_nodes)).to match Node.includes(:user_tags).tagged_with(u1.email)

But that gives me this error:

       undefined local variable or method `tagged_nodes' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::DashboardController::GETIndex:0x007fe4edd7f058>
like image 941
marcamillion Avatar asked May 04 '15 21:05


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1 Answers

You cannot (and should not) test local variables. However, you can and should test instance variables, which are the ones that start with @. For that you use the assigns helper, passing it the name of the instance variable as a symbol. If we want the value of the instance variable @tagged_nodes, we call assigns(:tagged_nodes) (note the :).

So if your controller method looks like this:

def index        
  @tagged_nodes = Node.includes(:user_tags).tagged_with(current_user.email)    

...you would access @tagged_nodes with assigns(:tagged_nodes):

  .to match Node.includes(:user_tags).tagged_with(u1.email)
like image 99
Jordan Running Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10

Jordan Running