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Best way to delete a django model instance after a certain date




I am writing a little app where the user creates an event and specifies the date that event will occur. After the event date has past, I want to delete that event instance. My current attempt is throwing a function that checks if the event should expire in the event page view. I am not sure whether the expiration_check function is checking in a correct way, nor am I sure whether just having a function in the view will event work.

Here is my view and expire function:

def event_page(request, name):
    event = Event.objects.get(name=name)


    if request.method == "POST":
        form = GuestForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            Guest = form.save(commit=False)
            Guest.event = event
            return redirect(event)
        form = GuestForm()
        return render(request, "event_page.html", {"form": form, "event": event, })

def check_expiration(event):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    if event.date < now: #if the event date has past

I collect the date from the user and store it in a DateTime filed: date = models.DateField()

Let me know if any further details are needed. Any insight is appreciated, thanks!

like image 863
darko Avatar asked Aug 03 '12 03:08


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To delete a record we do not need a new template, but we need to make some changes to the members template. Of course, you can chose how you want to add a delete button, but in this example, we will add a "delete" link for each record in a new table column. The "delete" link will also contain the ID of each record.

1 Answers

If you're hosting your application on a UNIX platform (GNU/Linux, OSX, etc.), it's probably best to make use of cron, the generic system utility for running things periodically.

This requires implementing your expiry code as a custom management command:

  1. If you don't have any custom management commands already, create the following directory structure:

         __init__.py (blank)
           __init__.py (blank)
  2. In expire_events.py, create a new class along the lines of the following:

    from django.core.management.base import NoArgsCommand
    class Command(NoArgsCommand):
        help = 'Expires event objects which are out-of-date'
        def handle_noargs(self):
            print Event.objects.filter(date__lt=datetime.datetime.now()).delete()
  3. Now you should be able to run ./manage.py expire_events and have any events with expiry dates in the past deleted.

To run this at regular intervals using cron (these instructions are for GNU/Linux but may well work on other UNIX variants), run sudo crontab -e and add the following line:

*/5 * * * * /path/to/your/django/app/manage.py expire_events

(this would run the task every 5 minutes; see the crontab documentation for advice on specifying job run times)

like image 137
supervacuo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
