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Best TinyMce editor Image Manager / File upload for Asp.net Mvc [closed]

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How do I upload a file to TinyMCE editor?

Click the 'Insert/Edit Image' button, then click the 'Upload' tab. Alternatively, drag and drop an image here. All image uploading options are supported, including images_upload_handler (a way to define custom file uploader) and images_upload_credentials .

How use TinyMCE editor in asp net c#?

To use the TinyMCE features with the MultiLine textbox, we need to include Tiny_MCE. js file which is under the folder tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/ of the package into our webpage. Make sure you give the correct path of the above javascript file from your solution.

How do I upload images to TinyMCE laravel?

When you want tinymce upload image laravel, you should add the script at the top like the code below. And in your tinymce image_class_list, you should mention "img-responsive", for the images to be responsive on mobile device. You need to have an action name in your blade within TinyMCE script.

Where are TinyMCE images?

Images are sent to the Image Uploader via HTTP POST with each post containing a single image. The image handler at the URL referenced in the images_upload_url must “store” the image in the application. Some examples include: Store the item in a folder on the web server.

There are a couple of open source plugins on SourceForge,

http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=103281&atid=738747 (search for image)

The plugin architecture is easy to understand if you know Javascript. If you have the time you could roll out your own.

Ajax File Manager http://filemanager.3ntar.net/ free and cooool

This is an integration of TinyMCE with FCKEditor File Upload Manager in ASP.NET MVC 3, should give it a try: http://tinymcefckfilemanger.codeplex.com/

http://www.ilyax.com/imagebrowser/ free and best :)