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Best Solution For Authentication in Ruby on Rails [closed]

I'm looking for a pre-built solution I can use in my RoR application. I'm ideally looking for something similar to the ASP.NET Forms authentication that provides email validation, sign-up controls, and allows users to reset their passwords. Oh yeah, and easily allows me to pull the user that is currently logged into the application.

I've started to look into the already written pieces, but I've found it to be really confusing. I've looked at LoginGenerator, RestfulAuthentication, SaltedLoginGenerator, but there doesn't seem to be one place that has great tutorials or provide a comparison of them. If there's a site I just haven't discovered yet, or if there is a de-facto standard that most people use, I'd appreciate the helping hand.

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Dan Wolchonok Avatar asked Aug 23 '08 15:08

Dan Wolchonok

People also ask

What is the difference between authentication and authorization in a Rails app?

Authentication is the process of verifying who you are. Authorization is the process of verifying that you have access to resources.

What is authentication in Ruby on Rails?

User authentication is a fundamental feature in the security of web resources. While setting up user authentication in a rails program, the devise gem is a popular tool. However, at times it can be too large and complicated to customize especially when building a simple application.

2 Answers

AuthLogic appears to be the new kid on the block and seems to be the next evolution of restful_authentication, easier to use, etc


Edit: now that Rails 3 is out, Devise seems to be the new, new kid on the block

https://github.com/plataformatec/devise or I have been rolling my own authentication now with the has_secure_password built in to Rails http://railscasts.com/episodes/250-authentication-from-scratch-revised

Side note: Ruby Toolbox is a great site for finding the current best solution in various categories (based on the number of GitHub watchers):


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Brian Armstrong Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09

Brian Armstrong

I would really recommend Restful Authentication. I think it's pretty much the de-facto standard.

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John Topley Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

John Topley