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Best server-side framework for heavy AJAX Java application


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Which is the most popular framework for developing Java based web application and it is based on MVC?

Struts. It is a very useful framework, an open-source MVC framework for creating modern enterprise-level Java web applications that favor convention over configuration and reduce overall development time.

Which Web framework is fastest?

Q1. Which is the fastest web framework? In benchmark tests, Spring has shown to be the fastest back-end web framework currently available to developers.

Does Java have a front end framework?

In this collection, you'll find different types of Java frameworks, including: frontend frameworks that let you create the view layer. ORM (object-relational mapping) and persistence frameworks that allow you to interact with your database. Java backend frameworks that help with creating microservices and REST APIs.

There are zillions of Java web application frameworks.

95% were designed before the modern era of AJAX/DHTML-based development, and that means these new methods are grafted on rather than designed in.

Has any framework been built from the ground up with e.g. GWT + Extjs in mind?

If not, which framework has adapted best to the world of forms with dynamic numbers of fields and pages that morph client-side?