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Best Practice Return Value vs Exception vs Enum [closed]

I am trying to find out the advantages and disadvantages for a method with multiple result values.

For example I'm using a login-method. If the login was successful, it will pass, otherwise I need to know why it failed.

1. Return true or false (Not enough information)

bool Login(string user, string password);

2. Return true, if it was successful, otherwise throw an exception

public class UnknownUserException : Exception { }
public class WrongPasswordException : Exception { }
bool Login(string user, string password);

3. Return nothing. Throw an exception, if it wasn't successful

public class UnknownUserException : Exception { }
public class WrongPasswordException : Exception { }
void Login(string user, string password);

4. Return an enum value

enum LoginResult
LoginResult Login(string user, string password);

"Login" is just one example case. I would like to know what the advantages and disadvantages of the different implementations is, and for which cases they are more or less appropriate.

like image 570
Jan Avatar asked Apr 02 '14 09:04


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1 Answers

Definitely not exceptions. A failed login is hardly an "exceptional" case and it just a normal course of logic for the application. If you use an exception then you'll always have to wrap logging in with an exception handler for no other reason than to handle the case of a failed login. That seems like the very definition of using exceptions for logic flow, which isn't right.

If you need to return specific information (which isn't always necessary from a login function, but might be in your case), #4 seems reasonable. You could take it a step further and make it an object:

public class LoginResult
    // an enum for the status
    // a string for a more specific message
    // a valid user object on successful login
    // etc.

Or, depending on the logic for it, an immutable struct instead of a class. (Make sure the struct is immutable, mutable structs are just asking for trouble.) The point being that you can apply all sorts of logic and functionality on the result object itself, which seems to be the direction you're heading.

like image 61
David Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
