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Best IDE for Grails 1.1.X development [closed]





I've been on a frustrating quest to find an IDE which provides reasonable support for Grails 1.1 development. My minimum requirements are:

  • Supports running tests within the IDE
  • Supports debugging within the IDE while running either the tests or the app itself
  • Provides code-completion, including dynamic finders added to domain classes

Here's a rundown of my experience so far

Eclipse 3.4.2 (Ganymede) Using the latest plugins available from the update site, Eclipse's support for Groovy/Grails is truly pathetic. It provides little more than code completion and spurious errors

NetBeans 6.7 Beta As soon as I imported the project, NetBeans began scanning it. The Navigator view was waiting for the scanning to finish before showing it's contents. About 20 minutes later, both the Navigator view and I were still waiting. Also, support for code completion on dynamic finders is poor, and for some reason it copied all the plugins into $PROJECT_ROOT/web-app/plugins.

IntelliJ 8.1.2 Although the general consensus is that IntelliJ is the best IDE for Groovy/Grails, it does not work well with Grails 1.1.X. The root cause of the problem appears to be the change in the location of the plugins folder. IntelliJ is unable to build the app because it can't find classes I'm importing from plugins, even though those plugins are listed in application.properties

So my question (finally) is whether anyone has found an IDE (not TextMate or Vim) that works with Grails 1.1.X when the plugin folder is in it's default location, i.e. under $HOME/.grails/1.1.X/plugins?

If so, I'd be really grateful for information about:

  • Which IDE to use (including version number)
  • Which plugins (if any) need to be installed
  • How to import an existing project into the IDE
  • How to run the app, the tests, and debug from within the IDE (if it's not obvious)

Thanks, Don

like image 776
Dónal Avatar asked May 19 '09 23:05


1 Answers

NetBeans 6.7 now with Grail 1.1 support

like image 136
J-16 SDiZ Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

J-16 SDiZ