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What is an IDE doing when it's indexing?

When an IDE says it's indexing what does that mean? What is actually going on "under the hood"? Is it safe for me to build my project during it indexing or should I wait until it's finished indexing?

I'm assuming indexing is a common thing for IDEs but I've never had an explanation of indexing. I simply see the word indexing and think "I know that word, must be doing something." and I just take it for granted and expect it to happen.

What is indexing?

like image 946
Gary Holiday Avatar asked Jul 18 '17 22:07

Gary Holiday

People also ask

What does IntelliJ indexing do?

IntelliJ IDEA can connect to the dedicated resource to download shared indexes for your JDK and Maven libraries and build shared indexes for your project's code. Whenever IntelliJ IDEA needs to reindex your application, it will use the available shared indexes and will build local indexes for the rest of the project.

What is the indexing process?

Indexing proceeds at four stages namely content specification, tokenization of documents, processing of document terms, and index building. The index can be stored in the form of different data structures namely direct index, document index, lexicon and inverted index.

How long does indexing take in IntelliJ?

Sometimes when I start the IDE it will start 'Updating indexes' which takes a long time (about 15 minutes).

1 Answers

Different IDEs do different things, but typically it means that the IDE is processing up files so that it can offer Code Completion features (the box that gives you options when you type a partial line of code). Without indexing, the IDE would have to search through your files for the options to display as you are typing, which would be very slow.

like image 195
Moshe Katz Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Moshe Katz