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Benefits of where notation in Haskell

What are the pros and cons of explicit function definition as opposed to where notation in Haskell?

Explicit function definition:

foo :: Integer -> Integer
foo a = bar a
    bar :: Integer -> Integer
    bar a = Some code here

as opposed to:

foo :: Integer -> Integer
foo a = bar a

bar :: Integer -> Integer
bar a = Some code here

Why would I use one over the other? Is there anything to be aware of with regards to efficiency? Security? Code reusability? Code readability?

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Abraham P Avatar asked Jan 10 '23 23:01

Abraham P

1 Answers

If your auxiliary function is not going to be used anywhere else, it's better not to pollute the namespace and use a local definition.

When your outer function has only one top-level "pattern", the where clause can simplify the definition of the auxiliary function because the parameters of the outer function will be in scope.

outer x v z f = undefined
        inner i = i + x + v + z + f


outer x v z f = undefined

inner x v z f i = i + x + v + z + f

If your function has more than one top-level "pattern", then you can't share bindings across patters using where. You have to define a top-level binding.

Certain ways of using where can incur in non-obvious performance penalties. This definition (taken from the HaskellWiki article on let vs where)

fib x = map fib' [0 ..] !! x
      fib' 0 = 0
      fib' 1 = 1
      fib' n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

is slower than this one:

fib = (map fib' [0 ..] !!)
      fib' 0 = 0
      fib' 1 = 1
      fib' n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

and also slower than defining fib' at the top-level.

The reason is that, in the first definition, a new fib' is created for each invocation of fib. Explained here.

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danidiaz Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 02:01
