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benefit of using new keyword in derived class member having same name with base class member



The C# language specification says that if I inherit a class, and the base class and derived class have the same named member with the same signature, then I have to use the new keyword to hide the base class member (There is another way by using virtual and override keyword in base and derived class member).

But in practice I found that the derived class auto hides the derived member if it has the same named member. So what is the main benefit and problem new keyword in same named derived class member?

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Md Kamruzzaman Sarker Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 15:11

Md Kamruzzaman Sarker

People also ask

Which keyword is used to access the base class members from the derived class?

The base keyword is used to access members of the base class from within a derived class: Call a method on the base class that has been overridden by another method.

Why do we use new keyword in C#?

Use the new keyword to create an instance of the array. The new operator is used to create an object or instantiate an object. Here in the example an object is created for the class using the new.

Where have you used new keyword Apart from creating a new instance or what is method hiding shadowing?

It is also known as Method Shadowing. In method hiding, you can hide the implementation of the methods of a base class from the derived class using the new keyword. Or in other words, in method hiding, you can redefine the method of the base class in the derived class by using the new keyword.

How can we allow a method of base class to get new implementation in the derived class?

Derived class method For overriding to work as expected, you should declare the base class as virtual and use override keyword in the derived class to override it.

2 Answers

New is not required, as you note. It is optional, and if you do not use it, you get a warning. You are entirely correct to note that this is at first glance a strange design decision.

The purpose of this design decision is to help mitigate a class of problems known as the "Brittle Base Class" problems. Here's a version of that problem:

Foo Corporation creates a class Frobber and ships it in Foo.DLL version 1.0:

namespace FooCorp
  public class Frobber
    public void Frobnicate() { ... }

Bar Corporation, who you work for, makes Blobbers. A Blobber can do everything that a Frobber can do, but in addition, it can Blobnicate too. So you decide to re-use the implementation of Frobnicate from FooCorp, and add some additional functionality:

namespace BarCorp
  public class Blobber : FooCorp.Frobber
    public void Blobnicate() { ... }

Foo Corporation realizes that people like to Blobnicate, and they decide to ship Foo.DLL v2.0:

namespace FooCorp
  public class Frobber
    public void Frobnicate() { ... }
    public void Blobnicate() { ... }

When you get a new version of Foo.DLL and recompile, you want to be told that you are now accidentally introducing a new method that shadows a base class method. That is possibly a dangerous thing to do; your class was written with the assumption that the base class was a Frobnicator, but apparently now it is a Blobnicator too! That fact could break your customers, who might accidentally call the base class version when they intended to call your derived class version.

We make "new" optional so that it is legal for you to shadow a base class method without changing your source code. If we made it illegal then FooCorp would have broken your build with their upgrade. But we make it a warning so that you know that you might be doing so accidentally. You can then examine the code carefully; if you decide that your implementation of Blobnicate is now redundant, you can remove it. If it is still good, you can mark it as "new" and eliminate the warning.

Make sense? This is one of the subtle features of C# that make it suitable for large scale multi-version component-oriented software.

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Eric Lippert

The benefit of using new is to make your intention clear.

However, unless you truly need to hide the member, it is generally preferrable to use virtual/override in order to use the member polymorphically. With hiding, the new member is only used via the reference of the derived class. If you are working via a base reference, you will continue to get the base behavior, and that might be unexpected.

class Foo 
     public void M() { Console.WriteLine("Foo"); }

class Bar : Foo
     public new void M() { Console.WriteLine("Bar"); }

Bar bar = new Bar(); 
bar.M(); // writes Bar
Foo foo = new Bar(); // still an instance of Bar
foo.M(); // writes Foo, does not use "new" method defined in Bar

If instead the method had been declared with virtual in Foo and override in Bar, then the method invocation would have been consistently "Bar" in either case.

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Anthony Pegram Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Anthony Pegram