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Benchmarking inside Java code

I have been looking into benchmarking lately, I have always been interested in logging program data etc. I was interested in knowing if we can implement our own memory usage code and implement our own time consumption code efficently inside our program. I know how to check long it takes for a code to run:

public static void main(String[]args){
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // code
        System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);

I also looked into Robust Java benchmarking, Part 1: Issues, this tutorial is very comprehensive. Displays the negative effects of System.currentTimeMillis();. The tutorial then suggests that we use System.nanoTime(); (making it more accurate?).

I also looked at Determining Memory Usage in Java for memory usage. The website shows how you can implement it. The code that has been provided looks inefficent because the person is calling

long L = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

After this he calls System.gc(); (4 * 4) = 16 times. Then repeating the process again. Doesn't this also take up memory?

So in conlusion, is it possible to implement an efficent benchmarking code inside your java program?

like image 569
Jeel Shah Avatar asked Dec 07 '11 22:12

Jeel Shah

People also ask

How do you write a benchmark in Java?

Important things for Java benchmarks are: Warm up the JIT first by running the code several times before timing it. Make sure you run it for long enough to be able to measure the results in seconds or (better) tens of seconds.

What are benchmarks in code?

A benchmark is a measurement or a set of measurements related to the performance of a piece of code in an application. Benchmarking code is essential to understanding the performance metrics of the methods in your application. It is always a good approach to have the metrics at hand when you're optimizing code.

What is JMH in Java?

JMH is short for Java Microbenchmark Harness. JMH is a toolkit that helps you implement Java microbenchmarks correctly. JMH is developed by the same people who implement the Java virtual machine, so these guys know what they are doing.

How do you benchmark a spring boot application?

The important part is to start the spring-boot application when the benchmark is getting initialized. Define a class level variable for configuration context and give a reference to it during setup of the benchmark. Make a call to the bean method inside the benchmark.

1 Answers

Yes it is possible to effectively implement performance benchmarks in java code. The important question is that any kind of performance benchmark is going to add its own overhead and how much of it do you want. System.currentMill..() is good enough benchmark for performance and in most of the cases nanoTime() is an overkill.

For memory System.gc will show you varied results for different runs (as gc run is never guranteed.) I generally use Visual VM for memory profiling (its free) and then use TDA for dumps analyzing.

One way to do it less invasively is using Aspect oriented programing. You can create just one Aspect that runs on a particular Annotation or set of methods and write an @Around advice to collect performance data.

Here is a small snippet:

public class TestAspect {

    public void thisMethodNeedsToBeMonitored(){
        // Do Something
    public void thisMethodNeedsToBeMonitoredToo(){
        // Do Something

@interface LogPerformance{}

class PerformanceAspect{
    @Around("the pointcut expression to pick up all " +
            "the @PerfMonitor annotated methods")
    public void logPerformance(){
        // log performance here
        // Log it to a file
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Vivek Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
