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being redirected to wrong loginUrl -> account/login instead of account/LOGON

I have a strange error I have never run into before.

I secured a controller with:

[Authorize(Roles = "admin")]  public class LoggingController : Controller 

When a non-admin user tries to access any protected content, they are redirected to:


note: account/login and NOT account/logon

The AccountController.Login action does not exist.

web.config has:

<authentication mode="Forms">     <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880" /> </authentication> 

I can of course implement the Login action and redirect to Logon. I am just puzzled and would like to know why this happens.

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santiagoIT Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 03:08


People also ask

Why do I get redirected to Microsoft login?

This issue usually happens when you use different accounts to sign in Office portal in the same browser. This is because the browser caches your account credential in one session. If you don't log out completely, your account credential will be submitted automatically to keep the session.

What is a login redirect?

Description. Page to which users are automatically redirected after completing a successful authentication. The configured redirect destination can be either: A server-relative Uniform Resource Locator (URL), or. An absolute URL, or.

What is ReturnUrl 2f?

The ReturnUrl typically just exists as a mechanism to point you back to your previous page after you have authenticated. For example if you were navigating to a specific area that required authentication like "Restricted. aspx", it might point you back to your Login.

1 Answers

Search your project for login - it has to be specified somewhere. Is there any other web.config value overriding this (maybe looking at a child root and the parent value is being used) Also is there any redirect that is happening? Are there any defaults set in your machine's web.config? Is your default url on the project set to be a /login?

Install glimpse route debugger to see which route is being used for this page as well.

EDIT: A little more research yields a known issue. Check out this link: ASP.NET MVC issue with configuration of forms authentication section

Theres a bug in mvc 3 beta - are you running the beta bits? Also notice the mentioned item in the above url for RTM bits:

<add key="loginUrl" value="~/LogOn" /> 

Also check out http://forums.asp.net/p/1616153/4138366.aspx


Below is a solid comment about a potential source of this from @santiagoIT (upvote his comment please if the specifics help you)

Today I discovered the root of this problem: I had added 'deployable dependency' on 'ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor Syntax'. This adds a reference to: WebMatrix.Data.dll This assembly has a class with a static constructor that does the following: static FormsAuthenticationSettings(){ FormsAuthenticationSettings.LoginUrlKey = "loginUrl"; FormsAuthenticationSettings.DefaultLoginUrl = "~/Account/Login";} That explains!

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Adam Tuliper Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Adam Tuliper