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BehaviorSubject send the same state reference to all subscribers

In our Single Page Application we've developed a centralized store class that uses an RxJS behavior subject to handle the state of our application and all its mutation. Several components in our application are subscribing to our store's behavior subject in order to receive any update to current application state. This state is then bound to UI so that whenever state changes, UI reflect those changes. Whenever a component wants to change a part of the state, we call a function exposed by our store that does the required work and updates the state calling next on the behavior subject. So far nothing special. (We're using Aurelia as a framework which performs 2 way binding)

The issue we are facing is that as soon as a component changes it's local state variable it receives from the store, other components gets updated even if next() wasn't called on the subejct itself.

We also tried to subscribe on an observable version of the subject since observable are supposed to send a different copy of the data to all subscriber but looks like it's not the case.

Looks like all subject subscriber are receiving a reference of the object stored in the behavior subject.

import { BehaviorSubject, of } from 'rxjs'; 

const initialState = {
  data: {
    id: 1, 
    description: 'initial'

const subject = new BehaviorSubject(initialState);
const observable = subject.asObservable();
let stateFromSubject; //Result after subscription to subject
let stateFromObservable; //Result after subscription to observable

subject.subscribe((val) => {
  console.log(`**Received ${val.data.id} from subject`);
  stateFromSubject = val;

observable.subscribe((val) => {
  console.log(`**Received ${val.data.id} from observable`);
  stateFromObservable = val;

stateFromSubject.data.id = 2;
// Both stateFromObservable and subject.getValue() now have a id of 2.
// next() wasn't called on the subject but its state got changed anyway

stateFromObservable.data.id = 3;
// Since observable aren't bi-directional I thought this would be a possible solution but same applies and all variable now shows 3

I've made a stackblitz with the code above. https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-bhkd5n

The only workaround we have so far is to clone the sate in some of our subscriber where we support edition through binding like follow:

observable.subscribe((val) => {
  stateFromObservable = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val));

But this feels more like a hack than a real solution. There must be a better way...

like image 515
Kevin Beaudoin Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 19:03

Kevin Beaudoin

1 Answers

Yes, all subscribers receive the same instance of the object in the behavior subject, that is how behavior subjects work. If you are going to mutate the objects you need to clone them.

I use this function to clone my objects I am going to bind to Angular forms

const clone = obj =>
    ? obj.map(item => clone(item))
    : obj instanceof Date
    ? new Date(obj.getTime())
    : obj && typeof obj === 'object'
    ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).reduce((o, prop) => {
        o[prop] = clone(obj[prop]);
        return o;
      }, {})
    : obj;

So if you have an observable data$ you can create an observable clone$ where subscribers to that observable get a clone that can be mutated without affecting other components.

clone$ = data$.pipe(map(data => clone(data)));

So components that are just displaying data can subscribe to data$ for efficiency and ones that will mutate the data can subscribe to clone$.

Have a read on my library for Angular https://github.com/adriandavidbrand/ngx-rxcache and my article on it https://medium.com/@adrianbrand/angular-state-management-with-rxcache-468a865fc3fb it goes into the need to clone objects so we don't mutate data we bind to forms.

It sounds like the goals of your store are the same as my Angular state management library. It might give you some ideas.

I am not familar with Aurelia or if it has pipes but that clone function is available in the store with exposing my data with a clone$ observable and in the templates with a clone pipe that can be used like

data$ | clone as data

The important part is knowing when to clone and not to clone. You only need to clone if the data is going to be mutated. It would be really inefficient to clone an array of data that is only going to be displayed in a grid.

like image 54
Adrian Brand Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 14:04

Adrian Brand