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behavior of nested scope definitions in web/router.ex

The docs do not mention this at all. Is it allowed to nest scope definitions, and if so what is the defined behaviour for the following in web/router.ex:

scope "/:locale", MyApp do
  pipe_through [:browser, :locale]

  scope "/auth", MyApp do
    pipe_through [:auth]

    get "/", PageController, :dummy

  get "/", PageController, :dummy

Do pipes chain, .i.e are the /:locale/auth requests route through :browser, :locale AND :auth? Any gotchas?

like image 473
raarts Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 15:03


2 Answers

Yes, it is allowed to scope definitions, and pipelines are inherited by nested scopes. The Phoenix repo contains tests for pipelines in nested scopes which assert that all the pipe_through in the parent scopes are inherited by the routes in the child scopes.

scope "/browser" do
  pipe_through :browser
  get "/root", SampleController, :index

  scope "/api" do
    pipe_through :api
    get "/root", SampleController, :index

# ...

test "invokes pipelines in a nested scope" do
  conn = call(Router, :get, "/browser/api/root")
  assert conn.private[:phoenix_pipelines] == [:browser, :api]
  assert conn.assigns[:stack] == "api"
like image 57
Dogbert Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11


You will have the following routes

# The following route has the :browser and :locale plugs
/:locale/      # Points to MyApp.PageController.dummy

# The following route has the :browser, :locale and :auth plugs
/:locale/auth/ # Points to MyApp.MyApp.PageController.dummy

I feel like you do not want to actually point to MyApp.MyApp.PageController, so you can define a scope/2 without specifying the alias.

scope "/:locale", MyApp do
  pipe_through [:browser, :locale]

  scope "/auth" do
    pipe_through [:auth]

    get "/", PageController, :dummy

This will now just point your auth route to MyApp.PageController.

like image 39
Justin Wood Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Justin Wood