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Beginners Guide to Haskell? [closed]

This looks like it fits the bill in the style of Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby.

Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!

Some good places to start are:

  • The Gentle Introduction To Haskell
  • Problem Solving in Haskell
  • Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial

Other resources:

  • Interesting blog entry on a Study plan for Haskell via the Wayback Machine
  • HaskellWiki
  • Generic Haskell User Guide (PDF)

If you're like me, and like videos of presentations, than this is a good tutorial:

A Taste of Haskell

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Slides

It's a three-hour tutorial, that uses xmonad as a running example to explain Haskell to experienced (imperative) programmers. The presentation is given by Simon Peyton-Jones who, besides being one of the top Haskell designers, is also a great speaker.

Once you get past the beginning stages, I would highly recommend reading Real World Haskell.

The Haskell wikibook which includes the text from the great tutorial Yet Another Haskell Tutorial.

(The "Generic Haskell User Guide" paper is a fine paper, but I think it is a particularly bad recommendation for a beginning Haskell programmer, as it is more of an academic paper presenting extensions to Haskell and basically a different language "Generic Haskell" (i.e. Haskell with an old version of Generics) instead of standard Haskell 98. <irony>If you were looking for dense reading about Haskell, start with the Haskell 98 report.</irony>)

Real World Haskell is a really good book.