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Beginner Type Errors using Filter



I'm just starting to use Haskell, and I'm having what most of you reading would probably consider a beginner blunder.

Consider a list of tuples myTupleList = [(3,6),(4,8),(1,3)]

Nice. I wrote this function to return the list of tuples in which the second element in the first tuple, is double the first element: (Ex using myTupleList: double myTupleList , which returns [(3,6),(4,8)] )

double [] = []
double (x:xs)
   |(snd x) == 2 * (fst x) = x: double xs
   |otherwise              = double xs

Now I'm sure this isn't the prettiest function in the world, but it works. The problem now is adapting it to use filter. This is my current attempt:

double [] = []
double xs = filter ((2 * (fst(head xs))) == (snd(head xs))) xs

To my undestanding, filter recieves two arguments: a boolean expression and a list. However, I'm getting the following error:

Couldn't match expected type ‘(a, a) -> Bool’
              with actual type ‘Bool’
• Possible cause: ‘(==)’ is applied to too many arguments
  In the first argument of ‘filter’, namely
    ‘((2 * (fst (head xs))) == (snd (head xs)))’
  In the expression:
    filter ((2 * (fst (head xs))) == (snd (head xs))) xs
  In an equation for ‘double’:
      double xs = filter ((2 * (fst (head xs))) == (snd (head xs))) xs
• Relevant bindings include
    xs :: [(a, a)] (bound at Line 9, Column 8)
    double :: [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)] (bound at Line 8, Column 1)

I'm sure this is just some silly error or limitation of Haskell as a functional language that I'm not accustomed to or understanding properly, but it would be great to get some help with this.


like image 554
TypicalMoronlmao Avatar asked Sep 22 '20 23:09


People also ask

How many arguments does the filter recieve?

To my undestanding, filter recieves two arguments: a boolean expression and a list. However, I'm getting the following error:

What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 errors?

The consequences of this Type I error also mean that other treatment options are rejected in favor of this intervention. In contrast, a Type II error means failing to reject a null hypothesis. It may only result in missed opportunities to innovate, but these can also have important practical consequences.

How do you reduce the type I error probability?

To reduce the Type I error probability, you can simply set a lower significance level. The null hypothesis distribution curve below shows the probabilities of obtaining all possible results if the study were repeated with new samples and the null hypothesis were true in the population. At the tail end, the shaded area represents alpha.

What is an example of filter in Python?

For example, FILTER can match data in a certain year or month, data that contains specific text, or values greater than a certain threshold. The FILTER function takes three arguments: array, include, and if_empty. Array is the range or array to filter. The include argument should consist of one or more logical tests.

1 Answers

filter expects a function a -> Bool, but (2 * (fst(head xs))) == (snd(head xs)) is not a function that maps an element to a Bool, but simply a Bool. It does not make much sense here to use head x, you use the parameter to get "access" to the element:

double :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
double xs = filter (\x -> 2 * fst x == snd x) xs

You can use pattern matching to unpack the 2-tuple and thus no longer need fst and snd. Furthermore you can perform an η-reduction, and thus remove xs both in the head and the body of double in this case:

double :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
double = filter (\(a, b) -> 2 * a == b)

This gives us:

Prelude> double [(3,6),(4,8),(1,3)]

We can even make the predicate point-free:

double :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
double = filter (uncurry ((==) . (2 *)))
like image 70
Willem Van Onsem Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Willem Van Onsem